Monday, May 12, 2014


             As an experienced divorce attorney I have been asked many times, “does my divorce need to get ugly, mean and nasty?”  The answer is no.  So, how can one go about having a fair and mostly amicable divorce?  The answer is by trying alternative dispute resolution and obtaining a lawyer who is committed to the collaborative process.
            The difference between litigation in divorce and seeking is that through the collaborative process, the parties work with each other to find a solution and to resolve conflict between them, whether it be parenting   and custody, property and debt distribution, alimony and other issues that pertain to every divorce.  Litigation is a process where you are trying to compel the other side, or court, to see it your way.  This process of compelling another tends to leave the parties bitter towards each other often causing problems with their relationship in dealing with their children or other issues for years to come. 

            I have found a good article about setting boundaries for a smooth divorce offered by a colleague of mine.  It’s a good article giving food for thought for those contemplating divorce.  Here is the link:    

            No one ever marries with the thought of divorcing someday but it happens.  If divorce is a decision that you need to make here at Richards & Godfrey, we can help you through this transitional period of your life.

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