Friday, April 25, 2014

Entendimiento Capítulo 13 de Bancarrota

Capítulo 13 de bancarrota permite a las personas con ingresos regulares para presentar un plan para pagar la totalidad o una parte de su deuda. Se propone un plan de pago en la que el deudor hacer pagos mensuales a un Fideicomisario del Capítulo 13 , que a su vez va a distribuir una porción de cada pago a los distintos acreedores . Los planes van desde 3-5 años en el tiempo. La duración del plan será determinado por los ingresos de la persona que presenta . Durante este período de tiempo , la ley prohíbe a los acreedores que comienza a las continuas demandas de cobro u otros medios de cobro de deudas .
Ayudamos a las personas en Ogden , Layton , Bountiful , Salt Lake y todos los alrededores archivo y obtengan la ayuda necesaria a través del Capítulo 13 de bancarrota . Para obtener información más específica sobre el Capítulo 13 de bancarrota consulte los siguientes enlaces :

 • Ventajas del Capítulo 13 .
 • ¿Quién puede presentar el capítulo 13 ?
 • ¿Cómo funciona el Capítulo 13 de trabajo?

Declararse en el Capítulo 13 ofrece muchas ventajas con respecto a la presentación de una bancarrota del capítulo 7 , también conocido como bancarrota de la liquidación . Tal vez el más obvio e importante para muchas personas es que se puede detener una ejecución hipotecaria de su casa y pagar su morosidad o la cantidad que usted está atrasado en el tiempo, y no en un solo pago. Esto significa que usted debe comenzar a hacer su pago normal de la casa , pero la parte de detrás será pagado a través del tiempo .

Otro de los beneficios del Capítulo 13 es que permite reprogramar su deuda ( hipoteca para ti residencia principal no está incluido en esto) y extenderlos por la vida de su plan de Capítulo 13 . Esto puede reducir sus pagos . Capítulo 13 puede proteger codeudores y co- creadores.

Además, para las personas que debe impuestos atrasados ​​, capítulo 13 ofrece una gran manera de hacer frente a lo que se debe . Una vez que presente , los honorarios y parada de los intereses devengados . Muchas personas usan el capítulo 13 cuando se trata de asuntos de impuestos .

Una buena manera de pensar en el capítulo 13 está pensando en ello como una especie de préstamo de consolidación. En el Capítulo 13 usted hace un pago cada mes para el Capítulo 13 , que entonces toma ese dinero y paga a sus acreedores la parte del dinero que se les debe a través de su plan de pagos . Usted no tendrá ningún contacto directo con sus acreedores en todo el plan. En el capítulo 13 , en la mayoría de los casos, usted termina pagando sólo unos centavos de dólar. Capítulo 13 de bancarrota es visto de manera diferente por muchas entidades de crédito y algunos empleadores .

El caso del Capítulo 13 se inicia mediante la presentación de una petición ( de forma individual o conjuntamente con su cónyuge ) con la corte de bancarrota . Incluido con la petición son: los horarios de los activos y pasivos ; horarios de los ingresos y gastos corrientes; horario de los arrendamientos no vencidos y los contratos pendientes de ejecución (las cosas como televisión por cable, teléfonos celulares , etc ); y una declaración de los asuntos financieros. Además, también se requiere el certificado que acredite su han participado en el asesoramiento de crédito al presentar junto con sus últimos 60 días talones de pago y últimos años presentados declaración de impuestos. 

El pago del Capítulo 13 plan que usted propone se incluye también cuando presente . Recuerde que este plan establece cómo va a pagar las deudas que usted debe y la cantidad de cada acreedor obtendrá . Un Capítulo 13 administrará el caso, él / ella se sienta entre usted y los acreedores. El Fiduciario recoger el pago mensual de su plan y distribuir una porción de cada pago a los acreedores que se le debe dinero por su plan . Por ejemplo, si usted está atrasado en su casa o coche de pago , los atrasos , o parte que está detrás , será devuelto a través del tiempo . Usted estará en su plan de 3-5 años dependiendo de la longitud de su plan depende de sus ingresos y lo que está tratando de lograr. Sin embargo, el plan será de al menos 3 años y no más de 5 . 

Además de los pagos mensuales de Trustee , es necesario esperar a contribuir con su reembolso de impuestos por tres años a su plan. En general, usted está en voz alta para mantener los primeros $ 2,000 de la restitución y el resto será necesario que le fuera confiada . Durante el tiempo de su plan , usted está protegido por la "suspensión automática " , que actúa como una barrera entre usted y los acreedores pre - petición , no se les permite ponerse en contacto con usted o tomar cualquier acción en su contra . 

Una vez que su plan de pagos se han completado y se toma otra clase de asesoría de crédito , usted recibirá una descarga de todas sus deudas. ( Ellos son eliminados !) 

Richards y Godfrey , PC ha estado ayudando a la gente a presentar para el Capítulo 13 de bancarrota por más de 25 años. Ofrecemos una consulta gratis para revisar su caso y ayudarle a entender cómo el Capítulo 13 puede ayudarle. Llame 801-621-7443 o envíenos un email a o simplemente enviar a través del enlace de contacto EE.UU. anteriormente.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Las leyes de DUI en Utah

Cuando usted está recogido por DUI, DWI o cargos similares , que , de hecho, estar frente a dos casos diferentes: 1 ) Un caso penal contra usted interpuesto por el estado de Utah, y 2) la revocación de la licencia de conducir o el caso de suspensión interpuesto por el Utah División de Licencias de Conducir .

Es importación para que siga a supuestos separar el uno del otro y entender las posibles consecuencias de cada uno. Para mantener su licencia de conducir y para poder seguir utilizando lo que tiene que ganar los dos casos. División de Licencias de Conducir le da la oportunidad de tener una audiencia adminstrative . Si usted no solicita correctamente o aparece en esa audiencia , perderá automáticamente su licencia por cualquier lugar a partir de 120 días a 3 años.

Entender que la conducción de cualquier vehículo en Utah con el nivel de 0,08 % de alcohol en la sangre o más es ilegal, y , al hacerlo, se abre la puerta a cargos criminales. DUI no sólo significa el alcohol, pero también significa que las drogas ilegales y medicamentos prescritos por la ley que pueda estar tomando . Lo que se reduce a decir estás " demasiado incapacitado " para operar el vehículo de forma segura. Su grado de intoxicación se puede determinar a través de una serie de instrumentos de prueba y el oficial tiene total discreción para elegir la prueba que administrará . Negarse a la prueba tendrá un impacto en sus cargos y tendrá un impacto en su licencia de conducir . NOTA , incluso si su nivel de alcohol en sangre es inferior a 0,08 % aún puede ser acusado si no se puede operar en forma segura el vehículo. Una vez más esto es subjetivo , determinado por el oficial.

Lo más importante a recordar es que cuidado, acción planeada minimizará las sanciones que se enfrenta. La investigación muestra que las personas que están a cargo de DUI reciben consecuencias menos severas si utilizan un abogado en lugar de representarse a sí mismos . Llame a Richards y Godfrey , PC hoy y vamos a desarrollar un plan que le ayude con su caso de DUI , 801-621-7443 o por correo electrónico ,

DUI Law in Utah

When you are picked up for DUI, DWI or similar charges, you in fact be facing two different cases: 1) A criminal case against you brought by the state of Utah, and 2) a driver's license revocation or suspension case brought by the Utah Driver's License Division. 
It is import to keep these to cases separate from one another and understand the potential ramifications from each. To keep your driver's license and to be able to still use it you have to win both cases. The Driver's License Division gives you the opportunity to have an administrative hearing. If you do not properly request or appear at that hearing, you will automatically lose your license for anywhere from 120 days to 3 years. 
Understand that driving any vehicle in Utah with .08% blood alcohol level or more is illegal, and by so doing you open yourself up to criminal charges. DUI does not just mean alcohol, but also means illegal drugs and legally prescribed drugs you may be taking. What it comes down to is are you "too impaired" to operate the vehicle safely. Your intoxication level can be determined through a number of test and the officer has complete discretion to pick the test he will administer. Refusing a test will impact your charges and will impact your driver's license. NOTE, even if your blood alcohol level is less than .08% you can still be charged if you cannot safely operate the vehicle. Again this is subjective, determined by the officer. 
The most important thing to remember is that careful, planned action will minimize the penalties you face. Research shows that those who are charged with DUI receive less severe consequences if they use an attorney rather than represent themselves. Call Richards & Godfrey, PC today and let us develop a plan to help you with your DUI case, 801-621-7443 or email,

Friday, April 18, 2014

Understanding Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

Chapter 13 bankruptcy allows people with regular income to present a plan to pay all or a portion of their debt. A repayment plan is proposed wherein the debtor will make monthly installment payments to a Chapter 13 Trustee who in turn will distribute a portion of each payment to the various creditors. The plans range from 3-5 years in time. The length of the plan will be determined by the income of the person filing. During this time period, the law forbids creditors from commencing to continuing collection lawsuits or other means of collecting debts. 
We help people in Ogden, Layton, Bountiful, Salt Lake and all the surrounding areas file for and obtain needed relief through Chapter 13 bankruptcy. For more specific information regarding Chapter 13 bankruptcy see the links below:

Filing for Chapter 13 offers many advantages over filing a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, otherwise known as a liquidation bankruptcy. Maybe the most obvious and important to many people is that you can stop a foreclosure on your home and pay back your delinquency or the amount you are behind over time, and not in one lump sum. This means that you must start making your normal house payment, but the back portion will be paid over time. 
Another benefit of Chapter 13 is that it lets you reschedule your debt (your mortgage for you primary residence is not included in this) and extend them for the life of your Chapter 13 plan. This may lower your payments. Chapter 13 can protect co-signers and co-makers.
Also, for individuals you owe back taxes, Chapter 13 offers a great way of dealing with what is owed. Once you file, the fees and interest stop accruing. Many people use Chapter 13 when dealing with tax issues.
A great way to think about Chapter 13 is thinking about it kind of like a consolidation loan. In Chapter 13 you make one payment each month to the Chapter 13 Trustee, he then takes that money and pays your creditors the portion of money they are owed through your repayment plan. You will have no direct contact with your creditors throughout the plan. In Chapter 13, in most cases, you end up paying only pennies on dollar. Chapter 13 Bankruptcy is looked at differently by many credit institutions and some employers.
The Chapter 13 case begins by filing a petition (individually or jointly with your spouse) with the bankruptcy court. Included with the petition are: schedules of assets and liabilities; schedules of current income and expenses; schedule of unexpired leases and executory contracts (things like cable TV, cell phones, etc.); and a statement of financial affairs. Also, the certificate showing your have participated in credit counseling is also required when filing along with your last 60 days pay stubs and last years filed tax return. 
The Chapter 13 plan payment which you are proposing is also included when you file. Remember, this plan sets out how you plan to pay back the debts you owe and how much each creditor will get. A Chapter 13 Trustee will administer the case, he/she sits between you and the creditors. The Trustee will collect your monthly plan payment and distribute a portion off each payment to the creditors you are owed money under your plan. For example, if you are behind on your home or car payment, the arrearage, or portion you are behind, will be paid back over time. You will be in your plan for 3-5 years depending, the length of your plan depends upon your income and what you are trying to accomplish. However, the plan will be for at least 3 years and no longer than 5. 
Besides the monthly trustee payments, you need to expect to contribute your tax refund for three years to your plan. Generally you are aloud to keep the first $2,000 of the refund and the rest will be required to given to the trustee. During the time of your plan, you are protected by the "automatic stay", which acts as a barrier between you and pre-petition creditors, they are not permitted to contact you or take any action against you. 
Once your plan payments are complete and you take another credit counseling class you will receive a discharge from all your debts. (They are wiped out!)

Richards & Godfrey, PC has been helping people file for Chapter 13 bankruptcy for over 25 years. We offer a Free Consultation to review your case and help you understand how Chapter 13 can help you. Call 801-621-7443 or email us at or just submit via the Contact US link above. 

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

How do I deal with my creditors?

There are few things which can be more stressful in your life than having to deal with debt creditors, you know, those people you owe money to. They seem to love you when you have the money to pay them, they even offer you more money and incentives while you make your payments on time. However, when your life takes a turn; maybe you lose a job, get hurt somehow so that you can't work, maybe a death in the family or a divorce. Something happens which really affects your ability to pay your bills on time, then all of a sudden, those best friends of yours at the banks, utility companies and other people you owe money to turn on you and begin to demand money from you.

You would think that they would understand, that they would help work something out to get you back on your feet. The fact of the matter is that few creditors will help you when times get tough. They only care about their investment and getting their money back. They have a way of making you feel that they control your life and there is nothing you can do.

BUT, they do not control your life and there are things you can do. There are laws which regulate how people you owe money to can go about collecting it from you and when they can do it. Both federal and state laws give you the consumer rights when it comes to debt and debt collection.

For instance; a creditor can not call you before 8 in the morning nor any later that 9 at night. They can't curse or insult you. They can't threaten you with consequence which can't legally happen because you didn't pay them. They can't lie about anything nor make you pay more than you owe.

Also, did you know that you can make a debt collector stop calling you? If you notify them in writing, this should stop the calls. Remember though that the debt does not go away.

The biggest thing to remember if you find yourself swimming in debt and you are being constantly bombarded with debt collection is that you have rights and options which will put the ball back in your court.

For more information an informative video on dealing with debt collection you can go to

Also take a look at the Utah Fair Debt Collection and Practices Act (FDCPA) here:

Friday, April 11, 2014

What do I need to know? 

            One of the most difficult times in a person’s life is when they find out they are getting a divorce or are needing one.  It is a life changing event.  It puts stress not only on the individual parties to the divorce but there are collateral stresses as well.  These collateral stresses relate to the impact of divorce on your children, personal finances, dealing with familial relationships no mention a few, and dealing with an unknown future to mention a few.  This article is to help offer some guidance in navigating these waters. 

            When parties get married they contract (agree) with one another to do certain things.  Parties often agree to have children, purchase property and acquire assets, and more often than not incur debt along the way.  When parties get divorced, the contract is broken and decisions have to be made.  Hopefully, the parties can, but if not there is always court, where an impartial, disinterested judge, is there to make decisions for the parties that will govern their lives for years to come. 

            The main issues to a divorce are: 1) if there are children, what will be the custodial arrangement and parenting time?  There are also issues of child support and medical care, etc.; 2) division of property both real and personal, real is anything doing with land or attached to land, personal is everything else; division of retirement benefits and alimony considerations, I also lump into this category; 3) division of joint marital debt incurred during the marriage.

            In Utah there are basically three types of custodial arrangements.  First, is sole care custody and control.  This is where all legal decisions and physical custody is vested in one parent.  The other parent usually is awarded standard visitation which is basically a mid-week visit from after school until 8:00 p.m. and every other weekend from a Friday after school until usually 7:00 p.m. on Sundays. 
            Next is joint legal custody with one parent being designated as primary physical caretaker.  Joint legal custody is  presumptive now in Utah.  Joint legal custody provides that the parties will confer and discuss major issues involving their children before a decision is made.  These major issues usually fall within the realm of health, education and welfare.  In addition, both parents are to have equal access to school and medical records and to be able to participate in such things as parent teacher conferences, doctor appointments, and extra curricular activities to mention a few.  There is usually a parenting plan which is developed governing conduct of the parties.   

            Last, is joint legal and physical custody.  Physical custody implies that both parents will have the children with them over 112 nights per year. So, joint physical is something as much as 50/50 time to as something that is a little more than standard visitation.  Although, joint physical custody of some type is not presumptive it certainly is becoming the norm.

            There are some nuances to each of these custodial arrangements which go beyond the scope of this article.  This is where an attorney can be most helpful. 

            Child support is a fairly easy calculation.  It is based upon each parties’ gross monthly income and the number of children of the marriage.  This goes to table to determine the amount of support which is then times by each parties percentage contribution to the combined gross income.  You can go to:  to get an idea what child support might be in your case.

            Other issues involving the children is medical care and day care.  Medical care is basically defined by statute.  Each party is to be equally responsible for the insurance premium, deductibles, co-pays and other non-insured medical expenses.  Again there are nuances which can be considered in negotiating the final divorce and this where an attorney can be of great service.  Day care is simple.  Parental care is preferred over surrogate (meaning day care centers) care.  If day care is needed which is either educational or work related, each party is responsible for half of the day care expenses.

            The next category is dealing with real property.  Real property acquired during the marriage is subject to being divided equally between the parties.  How this is done is always open for negotiation.  But the basic premise is that any equity is split 50/50 between the parties.  

            Personal property, remember is everything not land or attached to land, is also divided on a fair and equitable basis.  What is fair an equitable depends.  It can mean a 50/50 split of the property or its value or something other than 50/50.  Again this is all open to negotiation.

            Retirement benefits accrued during the marriage are subject to being divided regardless of who is the owner.  Courts use what is commonly referred to as the “Woodward” formula.  It’s kind of complicated but basically any retirement acquired during the marriage is divided equally between the parties.  A Qualified Domestic Relations Order (QDRO) is created and signed by the judge.  The Plan Administrator, upon receipt of the QDRO divides the accounts, pursuant to the terms of the order,  in to two separate accounts.  One for the actual owner of the account and the other for the other spouse. 

            Last issue to address is division of debt.  Utah, once again uses a fair and equitable standard as to the division of debt.  It can mean to divided on a 50/50 basis or something other than that.  Some principles usually apply, for example, debt follows property.  If one party is receiving a car that has a payment, it is generally presumed that person will be responsible for that debt.  There will be obligation for removing the other party from financial responsibility on the car or other property.  This usually requires a refinance within a designated period of time.  Other times debt can be divided by who incurred the debt or in who’s name the debt is listed.  Debt can also be divided on the same basis as child support is calculated.  The court can look at the combined gross income of the parties, determine each part’s percentage contribution to the combined gross income and divide the debt accordingly. 
            This article is intended to provide basic information for one going through, faced with or is contemplating a divorce.  It is not intended as giving legal advise and nothing can replace the advice you can receive from a competent experienced attorney who can guide you through these troubled waters.  Divorce is a serious issue and should be contemplated wisely. 


Wednesday, April 9, 2014


Utah is a very pro-adoption state.  In situations where the biological parents are not married, a biological father must file with the State in order to protect his rights.  If he does not do so, before a petition for adoption is filed, he will lose his rights as a father and does not even need to be notified of the adoption much less consent to it.  These requirements have made out of state mothers choose to come to Utah to give birth and then place the child for adoption. 
A statute recently signed into law by Governor Herbert, now gives biological fathers more protection in these out of state cases.  The law now requires a biological mother to have lived in the State for at least 90 days or file information with the Court about the biological father.  If she files the information with the Court, then the Court may order the mother to notify the father, before she can put the baby up for adoption. 

At Richards & Godfrey, P.C. we keep apprised of changes in the law.  Come in now for a free initial consultation.

Have a look at the article here: Utah governor signs bill giving fathers new rights in adoption cases.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

¿Puedo realmente declararse en quiebra , sin dinero ?

¿Sabía que usted puede ser capaz de declararse en quiebra sin tener que pagar a su abogado cualquier dinero abajo ? Muy a menudo nosotros, la gente ir a una oficina de abogados para aprender acerca de cómo la bancarrota puede ayudarles. El abogado les dice todos los beneficios y cómo puede ayudarle a conseguir detrás en sus pies , pero luego viene una desconexión . El cliente potencial llega porque está en quiebra , pero el abogado le pregunta por una importante suma de dinero para pagar por sus servicios. La persona se sienta allí a pensar: "¿cómo y demonios voy a llegar con el dinero, si yo tuviera el dinero para pagar esa cantidad de dinero no estaría aquí en primer lugar? "

Hay una solución ! Las personas pueden encontrar alivio de la constante acoso de los acreedores mediante la presentación de la quiebra y el abogado todavía pueden ganar dinero por ayudar al cliente , sin que tengan que venir con dinero que , obviamente, no tienen. Por la declaración de quiebra bajo el Capítulo 13 del Código de Quiebras , una persona puede evitar el acoso telefónico y encontrar un momento para recuperar el control de su vida financiera.

En el capítulo 13 , los honorarios del abogado se puede pagar a través de su plan de pago del capítulo 13 . Esto significa que el capítulo 13 fiduciario distribuirá una pequeña porción a usted abogado con cada pago que realice. Usted abogado recibe el dinero que se ha ganado por lo representa , se obtiene el alivio y nuevo comienzo que necesita para poner sus finanzas en orden. Esto le permite obtener un caso presentó de inmediato sin tener que llegar a un montón de dinero que no puede tener en este momento. Ahora , todavía es la tasa de justicia de $ 281 , esta tarifa no va al abogado , pero va a la corte. ¿Sabía usted que algunas personas ni siquiera tienen que pagar esa comisión total por adelantado? La corte ahora permite a algunas personas a pagar esa tasa en cuotas.

Si usted se encuentra atrapado entre una roca y un lugar duro financieramente y no tienen idea de lo que vas a salir usted debe encontrar un abogado con experiencia en bancarrota que le puede mostrar cómo la presentación de quiebra puede ayudarle. Richards y Godfrey, PC. , Ha estado ayudando a las personas a encontrar alivio a su situación financiera por más de 25 años. Ayudamos a los clientes en todo el norte de Utah , usted puede venir y discutir la posibilidad de la bancarrota de forma gratuita. 801-621-7443

Did you know you may be able to file for bankruptcy without having to pay your attorney any money down? All to often we people go to a lawyers office to learn about how bankruptcy can help them. The lawyer tells them all the perks and how it can help them get back on their feet, but then there comes a disconnect. The potential client comes in because he is broke, but the lawyer then asks for a substantial sum of money to pay for his services. The person sits there thinking to themselves, "how and the hell am I going to come up with the money, if I had the money to pay that amount of money I wouldn't be in here in the first place?"

There is a solution! People can find relief from the constant harassment of creditors by filing bankruptcy and the lawyer can still make money by helping the client, without requiring them to come up with money they obviously don't have. By filing for bankruptcy under Chapter 13 of the Bankruptcy Code, a person can stop harassing phone calls and find a moment to take control back of their financial life.

In Chapter 13, the lawyer's fee can be paid through your chapter 13 plan payment. This means that the chapter 13 trustee will distribute a small portion to you attorney with each payment you make. You lawyer gets the money he has earned by representing you, you get the relief and fresh start you need to get your finances back in order. This allows you to get a case filed right away without having to come up with a bunch of money you may not have at the moment. Now, there still is the court filing fee of $281, this fee does not go to the attorney but goes to the court. Did you know that some people don't even have to pay that fee all up front? The court now allows some people to pay that fee in installments.

If you find yourself stuck between a rock and a hard place financially and have no idea how you're going to get out you should find an experience bankruptcy lawyer who can show you how filing bankruptcy can help you. Richards & Godfrey, PC. , has been helping people find relief from their financial situation for over 25 years. We help clients throughout Northern Utah, you can come in and discuss the possibility of bankruptcy for FREE. 801-621-7443

Monday, April 7, 2014

Recientemente, EE.UU. Servicio de Ciudadanía e Inmigración en libertad un artículo titulado Medio Millón de Empresas Participan ahora en E -Verify, al artículo en sí mismo no proporciona ninguna información a los inmigrantes o los empleadores en materia de inmigración y / o empleo / inmigración temas relacionados . Sin embargo , el artículo hacía subrayan y confirman que cada vez más empleadores están tomando medidas para protegerse de las multas , sanciones y dolores de cabeza legales que pueden llegar a ellos cuando contratan a inmigrantes que no están en posibilidad legal de trabajar . La tendencia de los empleadores que verifiquen la capacidad potencial de los trabajadores de trabajar sólo aumentará la capacidad de los inmigrantes ilegales para obtener puestos de trabajo reales será cada vez más difícil de encontrar.

Sin embargo , un inmigrante que se encuentra en esta situación puede tomar medidas para asegurarse de que no se vean perjudicados por un trabajo porque no están en posibilidad legal de trabajar en este país . El gobierno de EE.UU. concede permiso a los trabajadores extranjeros a residir en los EE.UU. bajo una variedad de diferentes estados , cada uno requiere un tipo diferente de aplicación tornillo de banco y el proceso de audición.

Por ejemplo, si uno necesita y de inmigrante ( permanente) , no-inmigrante (temporal ) , o L -1 visa depende del tipo de trabajo que el empleado va a hacer , la industria en cuestión, la educación y la formación necesaria , y si la empresa puede completar una transferencia intra - empresa. Hay cinco visas laborales diferentes ( E- 1 a E - 5 ) , con normas diferentes para cada uno . En algunos casos, el ciudadano extranjero debe adquirir una petición certificado de trabajo . En cualquier caso, el nacional debe ya sea presentar una petición de visa de inmigrante o someterse a procedimientos consulares.

El inmigrante que se encuentra luchando para encontrar trabajo puede y va a aumentar sus posibilidades de encontrar un buen trabajo , asegurando que califican para trabajar bajo las leyes y normas de inmigración de Estados Unidos. Richards y Godfrey, PC ha ayudado a muchas personas a obtener el estado que necesitan para trabajar legalmente en los EE.UU. , siempre que las sus necesidades y las necesidades de sus familias que se sigan cumpliendo . La obtención de estatus legal proporciona estabilidad y consistencia a la vida los inmigrantes.
Recently, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services released an article entitled Half a Million Companies Now Participate in E-Verify, to article in and of itself does not provide any information to immigrants or employers regarding immigration and/or employment/immigration related issues. However, the article did underscore and confirm that more and more employers are taking steps to protect themselves from the fines, sanctions and legal headaches which can come to them when they hire immigrants who are not legally able to work. The trend of employers verifying a potential workers ability to work only will increase, the ability of illegal immigrants to obtain real jobs will become increasingly difficult to find.

However, an immigrant who finds themselves in this predicament can take steps to make sure they do not lose out on a job because they are not legally able to work in this country. The US government grants permission to foreign workers to reside in the US under a variety of different statuses, each requiring a different type of vise application and hearing process.

For instance, whether one needs and immigrant (permanent), non-immigrant (temporary), or L-1 visa depends on the type of work the employee will be doing, the industry involved, the education and training required, and whether the company can complete an intra-company transfer. There are five different work-related visas (E-1 through E-5), with different standards for each one. In some cases, the foreign national must acquire a labor certificate petition. In any case, the national must either file an immigrant visa petition or undergo consular proceedings.

The immigrant who finds themselves struggling to find work can and will increase their chances of finding good jobs by ensuring they qualify to work under US immigration laws and rules. Richards & Godfrey, PC has helped many people obtain the status they need to work in the US legally, providing that the their needs and the needs of their families continue to be met. Obtaining legal status provides stability and consistency to the immigrants life.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Many people misunderstand or are confused about bankruptcy, here are some answers to some common FAQ's, hope they help!

1.  How much does it cost to do a Bankruptcy?

Filing for bankruptcy includes separate fees, 1) the filing fee paid to the court and 2) the attorneys fee. There is also a $20 fee for doing a required credit counseling fee, but that is taken from the attorney fee. 

Chapter 7: The filing fee for a Chapter 7 case is $306, this fee is the same regardless of the case being individual or joint. The attorney's fee with Richards & Godfrey, PC., generally starts at $799, however, it can be case dependent and we have filed for less and even for more. Regardless, it is free to talk with us about your potential case, let us see what we can do for you and let us show you how we can work with you. 

Chapter 13: The filing fee for a Chapter 13 case is $281, this fee is the same regardless of the case being individual or joint. The attorney's fee is set by the state and depends on a few factors such as your income and debt load. However, this fee does not need to be paid up front but can be paid through your bankruptcy plan. You can file for Chapter 13 with no money down today!
2.  If I file for Bankruptcy what happens?

The moment you file, it's like a protective force field is put up around you, this protection is known as the "automatic stay". The automatic stay stops creditors from being able to contact you, continue to garnish your wages and even stops a pending foreclosure. All of your assets and debts become part of what is called the bankruptcy estate. What happens after these two things automatically happen depends largely on the type of case you file.

Chapter 7: In Chapter 7, all of your debt is wiped out. You can't pick and choose between things you want to get rid of and things you don't. If you have a car or home for example that has a loan on it, you can choose to keep that item by signing what is called a "reaffirmation agreement" if you were current on your payments when you filed. Generally if you can show the ability to keep making the payment you will be able to keep that item. Some exceptions do apply. Between 60-90 days after you file you will have a hearing with the bankruptcy trustee, this meeting is known as a 341 Meeting of Creditors, in this short hearing the bankruptcy trustee will ask you some questions regarding why you filed, your assets and debts. After this hearing, there may be a few things that your attorney will need to take care of. Once these items are taken care of, you will wait for your "discharge", this usually takes place within another 90 days. Generally you are in a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy for 6-8 months. 

Chapter 13: In Chapter 13, your debts are treated differently depending on what kind of debt it is and whether or not the debt is secured by some piece of property. A plan is presented to the court which shows how your debts will be repaid over the next 3-5 years. The length of your Chapter 13 plan depends on a computation or your debt and income. Chapter 13 allows you to get caught up on house payments which your are behind on, car payments, back taxes owed, amongst other things. Chapter 13 is a great option because it gives you leeway to propose a plan to the court which is affordable AND can allow you to keep things you have fallen behind on. Also, remember, unlike in a Chapter 7, you can get filed right away, with no money down. Your fees and costs for filing can be paid through the bankruptcy plan you propose to the court.  

Obviously this is just a brief overview but the kind of case to file really depends on your situation. The process can be done without an attorney, but research shows that cases filed without the help of an attorney are less successful, if successful at all. Besides all that, you don't need the added stress. Let us use our experience to help you. 
 3.  I am losing my house in foreclosure, can filing for bankruptcy help me keep my home?

If you are behind on your house payments and your lender is foreclosing or you fear they will soon, filing for relief under Chapter 13 can help you keep your home. Chapter 13 allows you to make payments on the "arrearage" or the amount you are behind over the next 3-5 years. As long as you can continue to make your house payment once you file, the back portion you owe will be made up in small installments over the course your bankruptcy. We can file up to the morning of your foreclosure sale to stop the sale. Remember, for this to work, you will need to be able to make your ongoing normal house payment. 

4.  I am afraid of my car being repossessed , can filing for bankruptcy help me keep my car?
Chapter 13 can allow individuals who are behind on car payments to keep their car and get caught up. Once you file, your car payment will be made through your Chapter 13 plan payment, the payments will be made over the next 3-5 years, and by the time you are done with your bankruptcy, your car should be paid off. 
5.  I owe little on my car loan or I own my car outright, will I lose it if I file for Bankruptcy?

No, however what will be required for you to keep your car through a Chapter 7 will vary depending on the amount of equity you have in your car. If there is no equity you will be able to keep it. If there is $3,000 or more equity in the car the trustee may be able to access the amount of equity over the $3,000. Remember, if you still owe money on a car, you can choose to "reaffirm the debt"  and continue to make payments under the existing terms of the loan; or you can buy the car from the lender in a single payment for its present value, this is called "redemption". You can always choose to surrender the car to the lender without any responsibility to pay anything more for it. 
6.  Should I file for Bankruptcy?

People who file for bankruptcy generally have experienced a job or income loss, divorce, or accident or injury. However, there are many reasons people are forced into filing bankruptcy. There are times in our lives when we wish we could just start over, if we just had another opportunity to do it over again we would do it better the next time around. Filing for bankruptcy can be this second chance for many people. When you file for bankruptcy and get a "discharge" of your debts, your debts are erased, you are not responsible for paying them any longer. Imagine if you actually got to keep all the money you are paying to creditors, do you think you would be in a better spot financially? When you file for bankruptcy you get an opportunity for a fresh start. 
7.  How bad will filing for bankruptcy effect my credit?

Initially, filing bankruptcy will have a negative impact on your credit. However, if you are thinking about filing your credit is probably less than stellar as it is, for many people filing for bankruptcy is a tool which can help to rebuild credit. 
  • How long will it take to rebuild credit?
    • You can begin to rebuild your credit right away by obtaining a secured loan or credit card. Many people are able to obtain these while going through the bankruptcy process. Interest rates will understandably be a bit higher for a while but by making on-time payments and using credit responsibly your credit will strengthen and your rates will come down. 
8.  Do I really need a lawyer to help me file bankruptcy?

The simple answer is no, there is nothing which states that a person must have an attorney when filing for bankruptcy. However, research shows that many who choose to file for bankruptcy without the help of an experienced bankruptcy attorney will be unsuccessful in completing their bankruptcy. Aside from this, the paper work and calculations can be complicated and stressful. No one would chose to do surgery on themselves, everyone wants the best doctor when they are sick to make sure they get better. Why should filing for bankruptcy be any different? Using an experienced bankruptcy attorney puts the odds more in your favor, probably best to let an expert help you.