There are few things which can be more stressful in your life than having to deal with debt creditors, you know, those people you owe money to. They seem to love you when you have the money to pay them, they even offer you more money and incentives while you make your payments on time. However, when your life takes a turn; maybe you lose a job, get hurt somehow so that you can't work, maybe a death in the family or a divorce. Something happens which really affects your ability to pay your bills on time, then all of a sudden, those best friends of yours at the banks, utility companies and other people you owe money to turn on you and begin to demand money from you.
You would think that they would understand, that they would help work something out to get you back on your feet. The fact of the matter is that few creditors will help you when times get tough. They only care about their investment and getting their money back. They have a way of making you feel that they control your life and there is nothing you can do.
BUT, they do not control your life and there are things you can do. There are laws which regulate how people you owe money to can go about collecting it from you and when they can do it. Both federal and state laws give you the consumer rights when it comes to debt and debt collection.
For instance; a creditor can not call you before 8 in the morning nor any later that 9 at night. They can't curse or insult you. They can't threaten you with consequence which can't legally happen because you didn't pay them. They can't lie about anything nor make you pay more than you owe.
Also, did you know that you can make a debt collector stop calling you? If you notify them in writing, this should stop the calls. Remember though that the debt does not go away.
The biggest thing to remember if you find yourself swimming in debt and you are being constantly bombarded with debt collection is that you have rights and options which will put the ball back in your court.
For more information an informative video on dealing with debt collection you can go to
Also take a look at the Utah Fair Debt Collection and Practices Act (FDCPA) here:
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