I am a conservative Republican by nature but I disagree with the many of my republican
colleagues as it concerns immigration reform. I am one who recognizes that many of
us, who call ourselves “American” are decedents of immigrant parents or grandparent.
In fact this great country and some of the greatest companies have been built in large
part o the immigrant population. For example, Henry Ford, a son of an Irish-born father,
created the eighth-largest company on the Fortune 500 list. Roughly four of every ten
Fortune 500 companies were founded by new immigrants to the United States or their
children. (Partnership for a New Economy)
I recognize the need to try and secure our borders but we also need to be realistic, it does
not matter how much we spend to seal our borders, they will never be 100% impermeable
to those who would desire to enter illegally. Increase border security, I am all for it. But,
the problem still exists as to what to do with those who are here.
However, for decades, both democrats and republicans have turned a blind eye to illegal
immigration, why? Because this country has benefited from the immigrant workforce to
deliver, primarily our agricultural needs, at a reasonable price. Immigrants do not take
work away from American. They perform work that most of us do not want to do or will
not do. This has been evidenced from farmers and ranchers across the nation who have
tried to hire local help.
Congress and the Senate need to work together towards immigration reform. It needs to
be comprehensive to fix an antiquated immigration system. Congress needs to provide
funding for technology and personnel to strengthen border security. It needs to expedite
the immigration application process. There is no reason why a family based petition
should take 18 years to process. Congress needs to create a program for those who are
here illegally to come out of the shadows and register and be given permission to remain
and work in this country under certain conditions. The concept that we simply need to
deport everyone is moronic and impossible. The government could not even evacuate the
city of New Orleans during hurricane Katrina, how can we possibly expect it to find and
round up everyone? We can’t and it is not going to happen.
Republicans are often viewed as obstructionist to immigration reform. Republicans
would benefit from passage of the Immigration Innovation Act. This act has been in the
U.S. Senate for two years. It would expand both high tech visa and green card access.
The house should draft its own version of the act and have it pass. Then it would be sent
to the Senate, which is currently controlled by the democrats for passage and then sent to
the President for signing into law. If they didn’t then it would show which party is really
playing politics with immigration. This way, republicans could start changing the debate
about immigration and start coming out ahead rather than always on the short end of the
Ken Braun’s article “Republicans Should send to the President a “high skill”
immigration reform bill” has been the basis of this article.
Monday, September 29, 2014
Thursday, September 25, 2014
Is the Nation Facing a Sudden Phase of Bankruptcy?
The other day I came across a couple of articles that caught my eye. Recently, Pulitzer Prize winning journalist George Will spoke in Salt Lake City. He spoke to a private audience regarding a number of subjects, but the one that caught me attention was the current economic condition of this country, emphasizing debt.
He related that in 1916 John D. Rockefellar could have paid the entire national debt by simply writing a personal check. But, if Bill Gates liquidated everything he would only pay two months interest on the nations debt.
Will believes the nation is approaching a sudden phase of bankruptcy. The nation as a whole has a spending problem. The national debt is only evidence of governments fixation on deficit spending. Projections indicate that our national debt will continue drastic increase as Congress deals with how to fund Obamacare, and don't forget about social security.
Congress though, isn't the only one with a spending and debt problem. People like you and me have spending and saving problems as well. Some would have you believe the recession crippled so many businesses and homes has ended, but evidence and research indicate that that is not the case. According to the Public Religion Research Institute and the Pew Research Center, Americans consider themselves less financially stable than they did years ago. A large percent of Americans are delaying paying bills and visiting doctors because they feel they simply can't afford too. The percentage of Americans feeling this way only increase when it comes to the African American community and Hispanics.
In my business, all indications I see is that the economy is heading nowhere but down. The are indicators that real estate may crash again and a people's income simply is rising enough to meet the demands of inflation. When George Will spoke to that private audience in Salt Lake a couple weeks ago, he used a quote from a Hemingway novel "The Sun Also Rises", that appears could be quite prophetic to some degree. A character in the book, describing how he went bankrupt said, "I went bankrupt in two ways: gradually and then suddenly".
My personal experience and my experience as a bankruptcy lawyer indicates the same thing. Loss of job or significant drops in income, costs of health care and life necessities and other personal setbacks put us in a hole we can't dig ourselves out of, then there comes that point where we are totally broke and worn out from the stress of it all.
If you would like some help out of the rat race, we can show you a few options to get you out of the ever deepening hole. Call Richards, Brinley and Richards Law Group today, 801-621-7443 or visit www.richardsgodfrey.com.
To read more about the PRRI and Pew Studies read: http://national.deseretnews.com/article/2404/americans-arent-confident-about-their-financial-situations.html
To read more from George Will's talk in Salt Lake read: http://www.ksl.com/?nid=148&sid=31616872#Gr60w6oEfm4rVb1a.03
He related that in 1916 John D. Rockefellar could have paid the entire national debt by simply writing a personal check. But, if Bill Gates liquidated everything he would only pay two months interest on the nations debt.
Will believes the nation is approaching a sudden phase of bankruptcy. The nation as a whole has a spending problem. The national debt is only evidence of governments fixation on deficit spending. Projections indicate that our national debt will continue drastic increase as Congress deals with how to fund Obamacare, and don't forget about social security.
Congress though, isn't the only one with a spending and debt problem. People like you and me have spending and saving problems as well. Some would have you believe the recession crippled so many businesses and homes has ended, but evidence and research indicate that that is not the case. According to the Public Religion Research Institute and the Pew Research Center, Americans consider themselves less financially stable than they did years ago. A large percent of Americans are delaying paying bills and visiting doctors because they feel they simply can't afford too. The percentage of Americans feeling this way only increase when it comes to the African American community and Hispanics.
In my business, all indications I see is that the economy is heading nowhere but down. The are indicators that real estate may crash again and a people's income simply is rising enough to meet the demands of inflation. When George Will spoke to that private audience in Salt Lake a couple weeks ago, he used a quote from a Hemingway novel "The Sun Also Rises", that appears could be quite prophetic to some degree. A character in the book, describing how he went bankrupt said, "I went bankrupt in two ways: gradually and then suddenly".
My personal experience and my experience as a bankruptcy lawyer indicates the same thing. Loss of job or significant drops in income, costs of health care and life necessities and other personal setbacks put us in a hole we can't dig ourselves out of, then there comes that point where we are totally broke and worn out from the stress of it all.
If you would like some help out of the rat race, we can show you a few options to get you out of the ever deepening hole. Call Richards, Brinley and Richards Law Group today, 801-621-7443 or visit www.richardsgodfrey.com.
To read more about the PRRI and Pew Studies read: http://national.deseretnews.com/article/2404/americans-arent-confident-about-their-financial-situations.html
To read more from George Will's talk in Salt Lake read: http://www.ksl.com/?nid=148&sid=31616872#Gr60w6oEfm4rVb1a.03
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
For many immigrants and their families the news of possible
immigration reform by executive action has been bitter sweet. Over 11 million immigrants are excited about
possibly being able to come out of the shadows and openly contribute to
society. However, bitterness has set ion
as the promised reform has been delayed again and again. So the real question is: Is immigration reform to be or not to be?
this year President Obama indicated that unless congress passed a comprehensive
immigration reform bill by the end of the summer he would, through executive
action, make some changes to the current enforcement of our immigration
laws. My previous blog, Immigration
Reform 2014: Now is the Time to Prepare,
addressed the politics behind immigration reform and what it might look like,
as well as its timing. All indicators
pointed to President Obama announcing his reforms by the end of summer. Some speculated this could be in September or
October but before the mid-term elections.
The reason for this was that six democratic senators up for reelection
indicated to the President Obama that if the President was to pass immigration
reform before the elections it would certainly defeat the senators’ reelection
bid and would result in the democrats losing control of the senate. There was some speculation that President
Obama would not do anything more after this delay and instead pin the hopes of
any reform on the democratic heir apparent for a Whitehouse bid, Hillary
broken promises to implement reforms by summer’s end, the dreams of over 11
million immigrants is still alive.
According to Fox News, just last Thursday, September 10, 2014 , a message was delivered
through the White House Chief of Staff, Denis McDonough, in a meeting with
McDonough and the congressional Hispanic caucus concerning presidential
action. No specifics about what possible
reform might look like, but McDonough made it clear the President Obama will go
as afar as he can under existing law to make some immigration reforms and
possibly delay deportations for possibly over 11 million immigrants.
immigration attorneys at Richards, Brinley, & Richards, Law Group, are
hopeful that President Obama will keep his promise to the immigrant community
and their families and implement immigration reform. When the President does, let our group of
professional immigration attorneys assist you with the process.
Monday, September 15, 2014
Para muchos inmigrantes y sus familias la noticia de una posible reforma migratoria por vía ejecutiva ha sido agridulce. Más de 11 millones de inmigrantes están entusiasmados acerca de la posibilidad de ser capaz de salir de las sombras y contribuir abiertamente a la sociedad. Sin embargo, la amargura ha puesto de iones como la reforma prometida se ha retrasado una y otra vez. Así que la verdadera pregunta es: ¿Es la reforma migratoria para ser o no ser?
A principios de este año, el presidente Obama indicó que a menos que el Congreso aprobó un proyecto de ley de reforma migratoria integral para el final del verano él, a través de la acción ejecutiva, hacer algunos cambios en la aplicación actual de nuestras leyes de inmigración. Mi blog anterior, la Reforma Migratoria 2014: Ahora es el momento de prepararse abordado la política detrás de la reforma migratoria y lo que podría ser similar, así como su calendario. Todos los indicadores apuntan al presidente Obama anunciando sus reformas a finales de verano. Algunos especularon que esto podría ser en septiembre u octubre, pero antes de las elecciones de medio término. La razón de esto fue que seis senadores demócratas a la reelección indicaron al Presidente Obama que si el presidente era aprobar una reforma migratoria antes de las elecciones sería ciertamente derrotar a la reelección de los senadores y daría lugar a que los demócratas pierdan el control del Senado. Hubo cierta especulación de que el presidente Obama no haría nada más después de este retraso y en su lugar la clavija con la esperanza de cualquier reforma en el heredero aparente democrática para una oferta Whitehouse, Hillary Clinton.
A pesar de las promesas incumplidas por aplicar las reformas de finales de verano, los sueños de más de 11 millones de inmigrantes aún está vivo. De acuerdo con Fox News, apenas el pasado Jueves, 10 de septiembre 2014, un mensaje fue entregado a través de la Casa Blanca, Jefe de Gabinete, Denis McDonough, en una reunión con McDonough y el Caucus Hispano del Congreso relativa a la acción presidencial. No hay detalles sobre lo posible reforma podría ser similar, pero McDonough dejado claro el presidente Obama va a ir tan lejos como le sea posible bajo la ley existente para hacer algunas reformas migratorias y posiblemente retrasar las deportaciones de posiblemente más de 11 millones de inmigrantes.
Los abogados de inmigración en Richards, Brinley, y Richards, Law Group, tienen la esperanza de que el presidente Obama cumplirá su promesa a la comunidad inmigrante y sus familias e implementar una reforma migratoria. Cuando el presidente lo hace, dejar que nuestro grupo de abogados de inmigración profesional que le ayude con el proceso.
A principios de este año, el presidente Obama indicó que a menos que el Congreso aprobó un proyecto de ley de reforma migratoria integral para el final del verano él, a través de la acción ejecutiva, hacer algunos cambios en la aplicación actual de nuestras leyes de inmigración. Mi blog anterior, la Reforma Migratoria 2014: Ahora es el momento de prepararse abordado la política detrás de la reforma migratoria y lo que podría ser similar, así como su calendario. Todos los indicadores apuntan al presidente Obama anunciando sus reformas a finales de verano. Algunos especularon que esto podría ser en septiembre u octubre, pero antes de las elecciones de medio término. La razón de esto fue que seis senadores demócratas a la reelección indicaron al Presidente Obama que si el presidente era aprobar una reforma migratoria antes de las elecciones sería ciertamente derrotar a la reelección de los senadores y daría lugar a que los demócratas pierdan el control del Senado. Hubo cierta especulación de que el presidente Obama no haría nada más después de este retraso y en su lugar la clavija con la esperanza de cualquier reforma en el heredero aparente democrática para una oferta Whitehouse, Hillary Clinton.
A pesar de las promesas incumplidas por aplicar las reformas de finales de verano, los sueños de más de 11 millones de inmigrantes aún está vivo. De acuerdo con Fox News, apenas el pasado Jueves, 10 de septiembre 2014, un mensaje fue entregado a través de la Casa Blanca, Jefe de Gabinete, Denis McDonough, en una reunión con McDonough y el Caucus Hispano del Congreso relativa a la acción presidencial. No hay detalles sobre lo posible reforma podría ser similar, pero McDonough dejado claro el presidente Obama va a ir tan lejos como le sea posible bajo la ley existente para hacer algunas reformas migratorias y posiblemente retrasar las deportaciones de posiblemente más de 11 millones de inmigrantes.
Los abogados de inmigración en Richards, Brinley, y Richards, Law Group, tienen la esperanza de que el presidente Obama cumplirá su promesa a la comunidad inmigrante y sus familias e implementar una reforma migratoria. Cuando el presidente lo hace, dejar que nuestro grupo de abogados de inmigración profesional que le ayude con el proceso.
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Is Your Credit Card Controlling You? 5 Signs Your Credit Cards Are Controlling You.
Having a credit card is almost a must these days. You need
them to book a hotel, rent a car, or make purchases online. “Having credit
cards is smart if used properly, related to building a good credit score.” says
Christopher Viale, board chairman of the Association of Independent Consumer
Credit Counseling Agencies. Viale also warns that, “The pitfalls of using
credit cards, not just for the purpose of building your credit profile,
obviously involves the temptation for overspending.” Obviously overspending
could lead to debt and possible damage to credit scores. Here are five signs
that your credit cards have stopped being a tool to build credit or an asset in
accumulating points and rewards but an instrument of debt.
- You are struggling to make the payment: If you are struggling to make the minimum payment on your credit cards that is a warning sign. Make sure to make the payments on time. Think about using cash to make purchases while you are paying down credit card debt.
- You spend for rewards: The rewards that come with credit card use are perks of using the card, but you should not be spending to earn the rewards. Remember the rewards are perks for purchases you were already going to make. If you are overspending to gain a perk, it may turn out not be much of a perk if it damages your credit or your budget.
- You stick with a sub-par product: It is a red flag that you are in over your head if you cannot qualify for credit cards with interest rates lower than 18-20%. Solid credit scores entitle consumers to competitive terms, so shop around to make sure you are getting a good rate.
- You have more cards then you need: The more credit you have available the easier it is to overspend. Put a limit on the amount of cards you are going to have. If you have found a card that better suits you and your spending, put the old cards away and don’t use them.
- You use your card as a status symbol: Credit card companies have developed luxury cards to get people’s attention by using flashy colors or materials. These cards often carry high annual fees and often have high credit limits. The thrill of carrying a luxury card may soon fade if you have a bad interest rate or overspend.
If you find yourself in trouble
with credit cards we can help. At Richards Brinley & Richards Law Group
P.C. we specialize in solving problems with debt. Call (801)621-7443 or visit
us at 289 24th Street, Ogden UT 84401. Consultations are FREE. Don’t
suffer through the stress and pressure of debt any longer, talk to us to see if
we can help.
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
Effects of the Great Recession have not Passed
watching TV or listening to the radio, you might get the feeling that the Great
Recession is over and everything is back to normal and great. While there have
been some improvements with respect to the economy, unemployment, and the stock
market, but is the regular every day “Joe” or “Jane” getting the benefit?
According to the Report on the EconomicWell-Being of U.S. Households in 2013, which was released in July of 2014,
the answer may be a resounding NO!
You Better Off Today Than You Were 5 Years Ago?
to the Report 30% reported that they were either somewhat better off or much
better off than 5 years ago. Great news! If you are thinking to yourself, “I
don’t think I’m doing better,” you are not alone. 34% said they were about the same,
with another 34% reported they were somewhat worse off or much worse off than 5
But there is hope right? If the economy is on the upswing the majority of
people are going to start feeling the benefits right?
There A Raise In My Future?
not. 21% reported that they expected a raise in the next 12 months. Oh the joys
a getting a raise! The wonderful thoughts of how you are going to spend the
money. Are you going to pay off some debt? Buy a car? Can you finally afford
the house you have wanted? Or are you going to buy the new ultra super hyper
mega high definition TV you have been eyeing, or some other luxury your heart
desires? But not everyone gets to dream about extra income coming their way.
Unfortunately, 61% reported they expected their income to stay the same. But
hey, no news is good news because 16% expected their income to decrease in the
next 12 months. The majority of this country is going to have their economic
situation stay the same or get worse. So are people just living paycheck to
paycheck or are they able to save for a rainy day or emergency?
Is My Savings Account Looking?
are going to have to answer this question for yourself. It seems that you are
either saving or you are not. 55% of respondents said they were saving, but 45%
said they did not save any portion of their income. 15% said that they were
living beyond their income.
Am I Not Able To Save?
you are going to have to answer this question for yourself. Do you spend money
until it is gone or have you gotten into debt that you just can’t seem to get
out of? Bills and debts can pile up for many different reasons and not all of
which come from what society would call “bad decisions.” There are unexpected
medical bills, layoffs or loss of employment, divorce, unpaid taxes, and many
many more everyday circumstances that cause people to fall into financial
distress. Is there a way out?
Bankruptcy A Good Option For Me?
plugging along and having a plan to get out of debt is enough, but sometimes
plugging along is not enough and bankruptcy may be an option. Without knowing
the facts about your individual situation there is no way to tell if bankruptcy
is a good option for you. At the Richards, Brinley & Richards Law Group, PC
we offer FREE consultations where we can look at your situation and help you
evaluate your options. There are ways to file for bankruptcy protection with NO
MONEY DOWN. If you are one of the many people in the country that are still
struggling from the effects of the Great Recession please give us a call at
(801)621-7443 and set up a FREE consult to see if bankruptcy is an option for
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