Having a credit card is almost a must these days. You need
them to book a hotel, rent a car, or make purchases online. “Having credit
cards is smart if used properly, related to building a good credit score.” says
Christopher Viale, board chairman of the Association of Independent Consumer
Credit Counseling Agencies. Viale also warns that, “The pitfalls of using
credit cards, not just for the purpose of building your credit profile,
obviously involves the temptation for overspending.” Obviously overspending
could lead to debt and possible damage to credit scores. Here are five signs
that your credit cards have stopped being a tool to build credit or an asset in
accumulating points and rewards but an instrument of debt.
- You are struggling to make the payment: If you are struggling to make the minimum payment on your credit cards that is a warning sign. Make sure to make the payments on time. Think about using cash to make purchases while you are paying down credit card debt.
- You spend for rewards: The rewards that come with credit card use are perks of using the card, but you should not be spending to earn the rewards. Remember the rewards are perks for purchases you were already going to make. If you are overspending to gain a perk, it may turn out not be much of a perk if it damages your credit or your budget.
- You stick with a sub-par product: It is a red flag that you are in over your head if you cannot qualify for credit cards with interest rates lower than 18-20%. Solid credit scores entitle consumers to competitive terms, so shop around to make sure you are getting a good rate.
- You have more cards then you need: The more credit you have available the easier it is to overspend. Put a limit on the amount of cards you are going to have. If you have found a card that better suits you and your spending, put the old cards away and don’t use them.
- You use your card as a status symbol: Credit card companies have developed luxury cards to get people’s attention by using flashy colors or materials. These cards often carry high annual fees and often have high credit limits. The thrill of carrying a luxury card may soon fade if you have a bad interest rate or overspend.
If you find yourself in trouble
with credit cards we can help. At Richards Brinley & Richards Law Group
P.C. we specialize in solving problems with debt. Call (801)621-7443 or visit
us at 289 24th Street, Ogden UT 84401. Consultations are FREE. Don’t
suffer through the stress and pressure of debt any longer, talk to us to see if
we can help.
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