Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Cómo Prepararse para la Orden de Inmigración Ejecutiva del Presidente Obama

Ahora es el tiempo de preparse por los ordenes ejecutivos de Presidente Obama y la accion deferida por los adultos y jovenes.  He preparado una lista de documentos que va necesitar para calificar se por este programa.  Los abogados de Richards, Brinley, Y Richards estamos listos de ayudales a navigar el proceso.

Prueba de identidad

Pasaporte o documento de identidad nacional de su país de origen
Certificado de Nacimiento con foto
Identificación escolar o militar con foto
Cualquier documento de inmigración o del gobierno de EE.UU. que tenga su nombre y foto

Prueba de su presencia en los EE.UU.

Pasaporte con sello de admisión
Formulario I-94/I-95/I-94W
Expedientes escolares de las escuelas a las que usted haya asistido en los EE.UU.
Cualquier documento del Servicio de Inmigración y Naturalización o DHS que demuestre su fecha de entrada (Formulario I-862, Notificación de Comparecencia)
Récords de viajes
Expedientes de hospitales o médicos
Recibos de renta o facturas de servicios públicos
Récords de empleo (talonarios de pago, Formularios W-2, etc.)
Registros oficiales de una entidad religiosa que confirmen su participación en una ceremonia religiosa
Copias de recibos de giros postales por dinero enviado en o fuera del país
Certificados de nacimiento de hijos nacidos en los Estados Unidos
Transacciones bancarias con fechas
Recibos de licencia o registros automotrices
Escrituras, hipotecas, contratos de arrendamiento
Recibos de declaraciones de impuestos, pólizas de seguros.

Prueba de estatus migratorio

Formulario I-94/I-95/I-94W con fecha autorizada de expiración de estadía
Orden final de exclusión, deportación o remoción Un documento de cargos colocándolo en procedimientos de deportación
Visa vencida

Prueba de su educación

Expedientes escolares (transcripciones, calificaciones, etc.) de la escuela a la que está asistiendo en EE.UU., que muestre el nombre(s) de la(s) escuela(s), los períodos de asistencia y el grado o nivel educativo actual
Diploma de Escuela Superior o Certificado de Finalización, u otro grado sustituto
Evidencia de que aprobó un examen autorizado por el estado, incluyendo el Certificado de Educación General (GED) u otro examen autorizado por el estado (por ejemplo, HiSet o TSC) en los Estados Unidos.

Prueba de que es un veterano retirado honorablemente de la Guardia Costera o las Fuerzas Armadas de EE.UU.

Certificado de Dispensa o Baja del Servicio Activo (Formulario DD-214)
Formulario 22, de la Guardia Nacional (NGB), Informe de Separación y Expediente de Servicio
Expedientes militares de personal
Expedientes militares de salud

Retención de Empleo

Formulario W-2
Formulario SS-4 completada (por usted o en su nombre)
Depósitos Bancarios
Recibo de sueldo
Recibo de pago (cheques cobrados)
ID de empleo
Historia de correo electrónico a / de otros empleados o empleador
Tarjetas de negocio
Anuncios publicando servicios
Información de contacto de su empleador 
Pago de impuestos

Formulario W-2
Estados de cuenta bancarios
Formulario de Identificación del Contribuyente Individual (ITIN)
W-7 Formulario para solicitar el ITIN

Historia de Inmigrante

Aviso para que aparezca
Documentos de deportación
Cualquier documento de Inmigración y Naturalización o de DHS
Relaciones familiares

Lista de dependientes en su W-2
Los certificados de nacimiento de todos los niños, especialmente niños ciudadanos y niños que son Residentes Legales Permanentes
Un copia de la tarjeta verde de los niños que son Residentes Legales Permanentes
Certificado de matrimonio (iglesia y civiles)
Documentos de adoptación 

Relaciones Comunitarias

Registros de la lglesia de asistencia / pertenencia
Registros de servicio comunitarios
Registros de asistencia a escuelas o universidades
Documentación de vigilancia de su vecindario 
Registro/documentación de participación en su centro de comunidad
Documentación de membresía a su piscina
Documentación de membresía a YMCA
Documentación de participación en deportes
Premios / Honores / Reconocimientos en la comunidad

Record Criminal

Disposiciones de la corte
FBI verificación de antecedentes penales
Infracciones de tráfico
Cualquier registro que ha sido expurgado
Registros de records criminal expurgado cuando era un menor
Documentación de perdones
DUI / rehabilitación de registro de clases

Si usted desea hacer una cita para empezar llámenos al 1-888-621-7443 o visítenos en

Monday, November 24, 2014

¿Usted se considera económicamente libre?

Durante la escuela de derecho en la Facultad de Derecho de Washburn en Kansas, yo y muchos otros estudiantes se aprovecharía de lo que la escuela llamada "El almuerzo y aprende". Almuerzo y Aprende eran largas conferencias horas dadas por todos los diferentes tipos de personas en una variedad de temas. Naturalmente todos eran relevantes para una formación jurídica, y muchas de las conferencias a las que asistí eran interesantes. Sin embargo, si estoy siendo honesto, estaban tan bien atendidos porque el almuerzo siempre se brindó a las conferencias. No hay mejor manera de incentivar a un grupo de estudiantes de derecho pobres, que la perspectiva de un almuerzo gratis. Una de las conferencias que se ha distinguido siempre a mí, sin embargo fue dado por un caballero del Instituto Cato. Para aquellos que nunca han oído hablar de él, el Cato Institute es una organización de investigación de políticas públicas, o en otras palabras, un "think tank". El Instituto Cato se centra en los principios de libertad individual, gobierno limitado, mercados libres y paz.

La razón por la que recuerda ese día en particular fue que el altavoz nos preguntó cómo "económicamente libre" estábamos todos. Recuerdo que pensé para mis adentros: "No tengo ni idea de lo que esto yahoo está hablando, voy a sentarme aquí y comer mi libre Jimmy Johns". Pero su presentación que siguió realmente me hizo pensar y me hizo aprender un poco de información valiosa que tarde.

Esta mañana me encontré con un artículo que me trajo de vuelta a la conferencia de hace un par de años, el título leer estadounidense se acerca al 12 de Libertad Económica. En esencia la libertad económica es una medida de cuán libres ciudadanos de varios países del mundo han de dedicarse a los negocios, el comercio y la cantidad de sus bienes y derechos legales están protegidos por el Estado de Derecho. La prueba es de 5 factores: 1. Tamaño del gobierno; 2. Estructura jurídica y garantía de los derechos de propiedad; 3. El acceso al dinero; 4. Libertad de comercio internacional y; 5. Regulación crediticia, laboral y de negocios. De acuerdo con estos cinco factores, podemos determinar qué países les va mejor económicamente y cuáles pueden crear y generar más riqueza.

Lo que es aún más interesante en el artículo para mí, fue la razón para el declive de Estados Unidos, que tiene que ver con la estructura legal del país. Esto es especialmente preocupante porque siempre me habían enseñado que nuestro sistema legal y adherirse al imperio de la ley es una de las cosas que marcan los EE.UU., aparte de otros lugares, era una de las cosas que la hicieron tan grande. Ahora, los EE.UU. ocupa el puesto 36 en esta categoría. El informe afirma que "a un gran decreto, los Estados Unidos ha experimentado un cambio importante respecto imperio de la ley hacia un estado muy regulado, politizado, y fuertemente vigilada."

Hace un par de semanas escribí un artículo titulado, Los efectos de la Gran Recesión ¿No pasaron, muchos estadounidenses todavía se sienten a diario la presión sobre sus libros de bolsillo, que cada vez tienen menos confianza en esta capacidad de los países para proporcionar el "Dream" tiene larga prometido. Bueno, sólo tal vez, cosas como la forma "económicamente libre" estamos tienen un gran impacto en usted y yo. Tal vez tenemos que ser un poco más atentos y participar en lo que sucede en nuestro país. En palabras de Mike Flynn, el autor del artículo, "un presupuesto federal equilibrado es insignificante y sin sentido si el Estado de Derecho se ha subvertido. No hay una sola elección o la administración pueden reparar el daño. Esa es una tarea que debe ser abordado por una generación ". Supongo que eso significa que usted y yo necesito para empezar de inmediato.

Si desea obtener más información sobre el Índice anual que mide qué tan económicamente libres somos, haga clic aquí.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Aquí están los detalles de la acción ejecutiva del presidente Obama traído a usted por los abogados de Richards , Brinley y Richards . Estamos aquí para ayudarle a usted a través de este proceso con más de 26 años de experiencia en la ley de inmigración . Más respetada firma de abogados de inmigración del norte de Utah .

Los padres de ciudadanos estadounidenses y residentes permanentes legales ( de cualquier edad ) que han estado continuamente presente desde 1/1/10 , y que pasar controles de antecedentes y pagar impuestos, serán elegibles para solicitar la acción diferida , que se concederá para un 3 -Año período . ( Tenga en cuenta que los padres de los beneficiarios DACA no son elegibles. ) DACA será revisado para eliminar el tapón de edad , y para cambiar la fecha de que la presencia continua debe haber comenzado a 01/01/10 .

En las prioridades de control : una nueva nota nombrará tres prioridades de aplicación , que será operativa inmediatamente , incluyendo presuntos terroristas, criminales convictos (incluyendo delitos graves ), los pandilleros convictos y personas aprehendidas en la frontera , las personas condenadas por delitos menores graves o múltiples , y los participantes muy recientes ( es decir , los que entraron después de 01/01/14 ) .

En el momento de la presentación de ajuste de estatus : la capacidad de las personas con una petición de inmigrante basadas en el empleo aprobado que están atrapados en los atrasos de cuotas a solicitar el ajuste de estatus se adelantará para que puedan obtener los beneficios de un ajuste de pendiente. Se espera que un impacto sobre 410.000 personas.
Here are the details of President Obama's executive action brought to you by the attorneys of Richards, Brinley & Richards. We are here to help you through this process with over 26 years of immigration law experience. Northern Utah's most respected immigration law firm.

Parents of U.S. citizens and lawful permanent residents (of any age) who have been continuously present since 1/1/10, and who pass background checks and pay taxes, will be eligible to apply for deferred action, which will be granted for a 3-year period. (Note that parents of DACA recipients are not eligible.) DACA will be revised to eliminate the age cap, and to change the date that continuous presence must have started to 1/1/10.

On enforcement priorities: a new memo will name three enforcement priorities, which will be operational immediately, including suspected terrorists, convicted felons (including aggravated felonies), convicted gang members, and people apprehended on the border, people convicted of serious or multiple misdemeanors, and very recent entrants (i.e., those who entered after 1/1/14).

On timing of filing for adjustment of status: the ability of individuals with an approved employment-based immigrant petition who are caught in the quota backlogs to file for adjustment of status will be advanced to permit them to obtain the benefits of a pending adjustment. This is expected to impact about 410,000 people.

Friday, November 14, 2014


If you find yourself completely unable to pay of the obligations you owe and you are thinking about filing a bankruptcy, consider the following things you need to be aware of:


In theory, consolidating seems like a good and viable option. However, in practice, debt consolidation rarely works out, and experience shows that in the long run, people don't save money but in fact it ends up costing them more. Learn more about why debt consolidation rarely works: Debt Consolidation Truth


If you aren't going to be able to catch up on all your bills and get ahead, you are wasting your money. Filing bankruptcy will get rid of all your debt. There is no point paying bills that will be wiped out anyway. Save your money to pay the fees and g costs of filing, that will be much cheaper than paying bills you can't afford to pay.


Really??? If you are unable to pay your bills, your credit probably already stinks. Filing bankruptcy is not going to make your bad credit any worse. To the contrary, by filing and getting rid of the debt your credit will begin to rebound, as long as you're smart about building it after you file. Bankruptcy is a way to fix your credit and debt problems, it did not cause them. 


Now I know what your thinking, but by not paying them you are saving them from a big headache and problems. In bankruptcy, the trustee (the person overseeing your case) can go after your parents and friends and take the money back to pay that money to other creditors. Your family and friends won't be happy if you get them involved in a legal proceeding because you paid them. 


By having a lien on your car, you protect yourself from losing the car in the bankruptcy. The trustee is trying to find any asset (like your car) you own that he might be able to sell and use the money to pay back your creditors. The loan on your car, usually makes that option not attractive to a trustee and most likely will deter him from pursing it because he won't get any money by selling it. 


Failing to list any property you own can potentially lead to criminal action against you for bankruptcy fraud and make it so you lose your discharge (the thing that wipes out all your debt) in bankruptcy. Plus its like the trustee is magic, he usually ends up finding out about everything, it's just not worth it considering the penalty you face if you're caught lying. 


In the list of the worst things you can do when filing this may be 1(b) coming in just behind the one we just talked about. The trustee could very likely go take the money and property back. This goes for any transfer within a year of filing. Like number 6 above if you do this you risk not being able to have your debt forgiven. 


Your retirements are protected, by liquidating them you take them from being a protected asset to a general asset than the trustee can come after to pay debt with. You are still going to need retire someday so save if for what it's there for. 


Look, this isn't meant to be a philosophical or religious statement. If you're broke, your number one responsibility should be to your family's needs. The law allows people to file bankruptcy as a way of dealing with debt. The creditors use the law to help themselves in the same way through tax subsidies, charge offs and law suits. Whether or not this is a justification for filing it's the reality, it's you're right to file. 


Take time to think about your options, but not too much time. You're wasting your money and stress on things that can be taken care of so easily. 

Monday, October 13, 2014

As the U.S. Becomes Less Economically Free, So Do You.

During law school at Washburn School of Law in Kansas, myself and many other students would take advantage of what the school called "Lunch and Learns". Lunch and Learns were hour long lectures given by all different kinds of people on a variety of subjects. Naturally all were relevant to a legal education, and many of the lectures I attended were interesting. However, if I am being honest, the lectures were so well attended because lunch was always provided. There is no better way to incentivize a bunch of poor law students, than the prospect of a free lunch. One of the lectures that has always stood out to me however was given by a gentlemen from the Cato Institute. For those who have never heard of it, the Cato Institute is a public policy research organization, or in other words a "think tank". The Cato Institute focuses on the principles of individual liberties, limited government, free market and peace.

The reason I remember that particular day was that the speaker asked us how "economically free" we all were. I remember thinking to myself, "I have no idea what this yahoo is talking about, I will just sit here and eat my free Jimmy Johns". But his presentation that followed really made me think and I did learn some valuable information that afternoon.

This morning I came across an article that brought me back to that lecture of a couple years ago, the title read US Slips to 12th in Economic Freedom. Essentially economic freedom is a measurement of how free citizens of the world's various countries are to engage in business, trade and how much their property and legal rights are protected by the rule of law. The test is made of 5 factors: 1. Size of government; 2. Legal structure and security of property rights; 3. Access to money; 4. Freedom to trade internationally and; 5. Regulation of Credit, Labor and Business. According to these five factors, we can determine which countries do better economically and which ones can create and generate more wealth.

What was even more interesting in the article to me, was the reason for the United States' decline, which has to do with the country's legal structure. This is especially disturbing because I had always been taught that our legal system and adhere to the rule of law is one of the things that set the US apart from other places, it was one of the things that made it so great. Now, the US ranks 36th in this category. The report states "to a large decree, the United States has experienced a significant move away from rule of law toward a highly regulated, politicized, and heavily policed state."

A couple weeks ago I wrote an article entitled, The Effects of the Great Recession Have Not Passed, many Americans still feel daily the squeeze on their pocket books, they increasingly are less confident in this countries ability to provide the "Dream" it has long promised. Well, just maybe, things like how "economically free" we are have a large impact on you and me. Maybe we need to be a little more vigilant and involved in what goes on in our country. In Mike Flynn's words, the author of the article, "a balanced federal budget is insignificant and meaningless if the rule of law has been subverted. No single election or administration can repair the damage. That is a task that must be tackled by a generation." I guess that means you and I need to get started right away.

If you would like to learn more about the yearly Index that measures how economically free we are, click here.

Monday, September 29, 2014

The Immigrant's Contribution to the Greatness of America

I am a conservative Republican by nature but I disagree with the many of my republican
colleagues as it concerns immigration reform. I am one who recognizes that many of
us, who call ourselves “American” are decedents of immigrant parents or grandparent.
In fact this great country and some of the greatest companies have been built in large
part o the immigrant population. For example, Henry Ford, a son of an Irish-born father,
created the eighth-largest company on the Fortune 500 list. Roughly four of every ten
Fortune 500 companies were founded by new immigrants to the United States or their
children. (Partnership for a New Economy)

I recognize the need to try and secure our borders but we also need to be realistic, it does
not matter how much we spend to seal our borders, they will never be 100% impermeable
to those who would desire to enter illegally. Increase border security, I am all for it. But,
the problem still exists as to what to do with those who are here.
However, for decades, both democrats and republicans have turned a blind eye to illegal
immigration, why? Because this country has benefited from the immigrant workforce to
deliver, primarily our agricultural needs, at a reasonable price. Immigrants do not take
work away from American. They perform work that most of us do not want to do or will
not do. This has been evidenced from farmers and ranchers across the nation who have
tried to hire local help.

Congress and the Senate need to work together towards immigration reform. It needs to
be comprehensive to fix an antiquated immigration system. Congress needs to provide
funding for technology and personnel to strengthen border security. It needs to expedite
the immigration application process. There is no reason why a family based petition
should take 18 years to process. Congress needs to create a program for those who are
here illegally to come out of the shadows and register and be given permission to remain
and work in this country under certain conditions. The concept that we simply need to
deport everyone is moronic and impossible. The government could not even evacuate the
city of New Orleans during hurricane Katrina, how can we possibly expect it to find and
round up everyone? We can’t and it is not going to happen.

Republicans are often viewed as obstructionist to immigration reform. Republicans
would benefit from passage of the Immigration Innovation Act. This act has been in the
U.S. Senate for two years. It would expand both high tech visa and green card access.
The house should draft its own version of the act and have it pass. Then it would be sent
to the Senate, which is currently controlled by the democrats for passage and then sent to
the President for signing into law. If they didn’t then it would show which party is really
playing politics with immigration. This way, republicans could start changing the debate
about immigration and start coming out ahead rather than always on the short end of the

Ken Braun’s article “Republicans Should send to the President a “high skill”
immigration reform bill” has been the basis of this article.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Is the Nation Facing a Sudden Phase of Bankruptcy?

The other day I came across a couple of articles that caught my eye. Recently, Pulitzer Prize winning journalist George Will spoke in Salt Lake City. He spoke to a private audience regarding a number of subjects, but the one that caught me attention was the current economic condition of this country, emphasizing debt. 

He related that in 1916 John D. Rockefellar could have paid the entire national debt by simply writing a personal check. But, if Bill Gates liquidated everything he would only pay two months interest on the nations debt. 

Will believes the nation is approaching a sudden phase of bankruptcy. The nation as a whole has a spending problem. The national debt is only evidence of governments fixation on deficit spending. Projections indicate that our national debt will continue drastic increase as Congress deals with how to fund Obamacare, and don't forget about social security. 

Congress though, isn't the only one with a spending and debt problem. People like you and me have spending and saving problems as well. Some would have you believe the recession crippled so many businesses and homes has ended, but evidence and research indicate that that is not the case. According to the Public Religion Research Institute and the Pew Research Center, Americans consider themselves less financially stable than they did years ago. A large percent of Americans are delaying paying bills and visiting doctors because they feel they simply can't afford too. The percentage of Americans feeling this way only increase when it comes to the African American community and Hispanics. 

In my business, all indications I see is that the economy is heading nowhere but down. The are indicators that real estate may crash again and a people's income simply is rising enough to meet the demands of inflation. When George Will spoke to that private audience in Salt Lake a couple weeks ago, he used a quote from a Hemingway novel "The Sun Also Rises", that appears could be quite prophetic to some degree. A character in the book, describing how he went bankrupt said, "I went bankrupt in two ways: gradually and then suddenly".

My personal experience and my experience as a bankruptcy lawyer indicates the same thing. Loss of job or significant drops in income, costs of health care and life necessities and other personal setbacks put us in a hole we can't dig ourselves out of, then there comes that point where we are totally broke and worn out from the stress of it all. 

If you would like some help out of the rat race, we can show you a few options to get you out of the ever deepening hole. Call Richards, Brinley and Richards Law Group today, 801-621-7443 or visit 

To read more about the PRRI and Pew Studies read:

To read more from George Will's talk in Salt Lake read:

Tuesday, September 16, 2014


For many immigrants and their families the news of possible immigration reform by executive action has been bitter sweet.  Over 11 million immigrants are excited about possibly being able to come out of the shadows and openly contribute to society.  However, bitterness has set ion as the promised reform has been delayed again and again.  So the real question is:  Is immigration reform to be or not to be? 
            Earlier this year President Obama indicated that unless congress passed a comprehensive immigration reform bill by the end of the summer he would, through executive action, make some changes to the current enforcement of our immigration laws.  My previous blog, Immigration Reform 2014:  Now is the Time to Prepare, addressed the politics behind immigration reform and what it might look like, as well as its timing.  All indicators pointed to President Obama announcing his reforms by the end of summer.  Some speculated this could be in September or October but before the mid-term elections.  The reason for this was that six democratic senators up for reelection indicated to the President Obama that if the President was to pass immigration reform before the elections it would certainly defeat the senators’ reelection bid and would result in the democrats losing control of the senate.  There was some speculation that President Obama would not do anything more after this delay and instead pin the hopes of any reform on the democratic heir apparent for a Whitehouse bid, Hillary Clinton. 
            Despite broken promises to implement reforms by summer’s end, the dreams of over 11 million immigrants is still alive.  According to Fox News, just last Thursday, September 10, 2014, a message was delivered through the White House Chief of Staff, Denis McDonough, in a meeting with McDonough and the congressional Hispanic caucus concerning presidential action.  No specifics about what possible reform might look like, but McDonough made it clear the President Obama will go as afar as he can under existing law to make some immigration reforms and possibly delay deportations for possibly over 11 million immigrants. 

            The immigration attorneys at Richards, Brinley, & Richards, Law Group, are hopeful that President Obama will keep his promise to the immigrant community and their families and implement immigration reform.  When the President does, let our group of professional immigration attorneys assist you with the process.

Monday, September 15, 2014


Para muchos inmigrantes y sus familias la noticia de una posible reforma migratoria por vía ejecutiva ha sido agridulce. Más de 11 millones de inmigrantes están entusiasmados acerca de la posibilidad de ser capaz de salir de las sombras y contribuir abiertamente a la sociedad. Sin embargo, la amargura ha puesto de iones como la reforma prometida se ha retrasado una y otra vez. Así que la verdadera pregunta es: ¿Es la reforma migratoria para ser o no ser?

A principios de este año, el presidente Obama indicó que a menos que el Congreso aprobó un proyecto de ley de reforma migratoria integral para el final del verano él, a través de la acción ejecutiva, hacer algunos cambios en la aplicación actual de nuestras leyes de inmigración. Mi blog anterior, la Reforma Migratoria 2014: Ahora es el momento de prepararse abordado la política detrás de la reforma migratoria y lo que podría ser similar, así como su calendario. Todos los indicadores apuntan al presidente Obama anunciando sus reformas a finales de verano. Algunos especularon que esto podría ser en septiembre u octubre, pero antes de las elecciones de medio término. La razón de esto fue que seis senadores demócratas a la reelección indicaron al Presidente Obama que si el presidente era aprobar una reforma migratoria antes de las elecciones sería ciertamente derrotar a la reelección de los senadores y daría lugar a que los demócratas pierdan el control del Senado. Hubo cierta especulación de que el presidente Obama no haría nada más después de este retraso y en su lugar la clavija con la esperanza de cualquier reforma en el heredero aparente democrática para una oferta Whitehouse, Hillary Clinton.

A pesar de las promesas incumplidas por aplicar las reformas de finales de verano, los sueños de más de 11 millones de inmigrantes aún está vivo. De acuerdo con Fox News, apenas el pasado Jueves, 10 de septiembre 2014, un mensaje fue entregado a través de la Casa Blanca, Jefe de Gabinete, Denis McDonough, en una reunión con McDonough y el Caucus Hispano del Congreso relativa a la acción presidencial. No hay detalles sobre lo posible reforma podría ser similar, pero McDonough dejado claro el presidente Obama va a ir tan lejos como le sea posible bajo la ley existente para hacer algunas reformas migratorias y posiblemente retrasar las deportaciones de posiblemente más de 11 millones de inmigrantes.

Los abogados de inmigración en Richards, Brinley, y Richards, Law Group, tienen la esperanza de que el presidente Obama cumplirá su promesa a la comunidad inmigrante y sus familias e implementar una reforma migratoria. Cuando el presidente lo hace, dejar que nuestro grupo de abogados de inmigración profesional que le ayude con el proceso.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Is Your Credit Card Controlling You? 5 Signs Your Credit Cards Are Controlling You.

Having a credit card is almost a must these days. You need them to book a hotel, rent a car, or make purchases online. “Having credit cards is smart if used properly, related to building a good credit score.” says Christopher Viale, board chairman of the Association of Independent Consumer Credit Counseling Agencies. Viale also warns that, “The pitfalls of using credit cards, not just for the purpose of building your credit profile, obviously involves the temptation for overspending.” Obviously overspending could lead to debt and possible damage to credit scores. Here are five signs that your credit cards have stopped being a tool to build credit or an asset in accumulating points and rewards but an instrument of debt.

  1. You are struggling to make the payment: If you are struggling to make the minimum payment on your credit cards that is a warning sign. Make sure to make the payments on time. Think about using cash to make purchases while you are paying down credit card debt.
  2. You spend for rewards: The rewards that come with credit card use are perks of using the card, but you should not be spending to earn the rewards. Remember the rewards are perks for purchases you were already going to make. If you are overspending to gain a perk, it may turn out not be much of a perk if it damages your credit or your budget.
  3. You stick with a sub-par product: It is a red flag that you are in over your head if you cannot qualify for credit cards with interest rates lower than 18-20%. Solid credit scores entitle consumers to competitive terms, so shop around to make sure you are getting a good rate.
  4. You have more cards then you need: The more credit you have available the easier it is to overspend. Put a limit on the amount of cards you are going to have. If you have found a card that better suits you and your spending, put the old cards away and don’t use them.
  5. You use your card as a status symbol: Credit card companies have developed luxury cards to get people’s attention by using flashy colors or materials. These cards often carry high annual fees and often have high credit limits. The thrill of carrying a luxury card may soon fade if you have a bad interest rate or overspend.

If you find yourself in trouble with credit cards we can help. At Richards Brinley & Richards Law Group P.C. we specialize in solving problems with debt. Call (801)621-7443 or visit us at 289 24th Street, Ogden UT 84401. Consultations are FREE. Don’t suffer through the stress and pressure of debt any longer, talk to us to see if we can help.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Effects of the Great Recession have not Passed

               When watching TV or listening to the radio, you might get the feeling that the Great Recession is over and everything is back to normal and great. While there have been some improvements with respect to the economy, unemployment, and the stock market, but is the regular every day “Joe” or “Jane” getting the benefit? According to the Report on the EconomicWell-Being of U.S. Households in 2013, which was released in July of 2014, the answer may be a resounding NO!

Are You Better Off Today Than You Were 5 Years Ago?

               According to the Report 30% reported that they were either somewhat better off or much better off than 5 years ago. Great news! If you are thinking to yourself, “I don’t think I’m doing better,” you are not alone. 34% said they were about the same, with another 34% reported they were somewhat worse off or much worse off than 5 years ago. 68% OF THE POPULATION IS DOING THE SAME OR WORSE THAN 5 YEARS AGO! But there is hope right? If the economy is on the upswing the majority of people are going to start feeling the benefits right?

Is There A Raise In My Future?

               Probably not. 21% reported that they expected a raise in the next 12 months. Oh the joys a getting a raise! The wonderful thoughts of how you are going to spend the money. Are you going to pay off some debt? Buy a car? Can you finally afford the house you have wanted? Or are you going to buy the new ultra super hyper mega high definition TV you have been eyeing, or some other luxury your heart desires? But not everyone gets to dream about extra income coming their way. Unfortunately, 61% reported they expected their income to stay the same. But hey, no news is good news because 16% expected their income to decrease in the next 12 months. The majority of this country is going to have their economic situation stay the same or get worse. So are people just living paycheck to paycheck or are they able to save for a rainy day or emergency?

How Is My Savings Account Looking?

               You are going to have to answer this question for yourself. It seems that you are either saving or you are not. 55% of respondents said they were saving, but 45% said they did not save any portion of their income. 15% said that they were living beyond their income.

Why Am I Not Able To Save?

               Again you are going to have to answer this question for yourself. Do you spend money until it is gone or have you gotten into debt that you just can’t seem to get out of? Bills and debts can pile up for many different reasons and not all of which come from what society would call “bad decisions.” There are unexpected medical bills, layoffs or loss of employment, divorce, unpaid taxes, and many many more everyday circumstances that cause people to fall into financial distress. Is there a way out?

Is Bankruptcy A Good Option For Me?

               Sometimes plugging along and having a plan to get out of debt is enough, but sometimes plugging along is not enough and bankruptcy may be an option. Without knowing the facts about your individual situation there is no way to tell if bankruptcy is a good option for you. At the Richards, Brinley & Richards Law Group, PC we offer FREE consultations where we can look at your situation and help you evaluate your options. There are ways to file for bankruptcy protection with NO MONEY DOWN. If you are one of the many people in the country that are still struggling from the effects of the Great Recession please give us a call at (801)621-7443 and set up a FREE consult to see if bankruptcy is an option for you.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

More details about President Obama's immigration reform including streamlining the green card process

The immigration lawyers at RBR LAW GROUP know how to navigate the treacherous waters of immigration.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Immigration Reform is Imminent!!! Are you ready?

President Obama is getting closer to issuing executive orders which will benefit over 5 million immigrants.   According to some sources it could be  within the week.

The attorneys at Richards, Brinley & Richards have over 25 years helping immigrants. We are ready for what ever President  Obama announced and are eager to help our immigration clients live the American dream.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

REFORMA MIGRATORIA 2014: Ahora es el Tiempo para Prepararse!

Durante las últimas semanas se ha hablado mucho sobre la reforma migratoria y si es o no el presidente Obama, por orden ejecutiva, se va a hacer algo acerca de la inmigración. Todo indica que la respuesta es, probablemente, va a ser que sí a pesar de las amenazas de los republicanos de un posible juicio político o los demócratas preocuparse de perder escaños adicionales en el Senado estas elecciones de mitad de período, por lo tanto perder el control del Senado.

El propósito de este artículo es tratar de dar una idea de lo que la reforma podría ser similar y lo que usted puede hacer para estar mejor preparados para solicitar sus beneficios, si es que el presidente Obama crea algunas reformas por orden ejecutiva.

Actual Sistema de Inmigración 
No hay duda de que nuestro actual sistema de inmigración está roto. Como un abogado de inmigración, que no entiendo por qué se requieren 14 años o más para procesar la solicitud de alguien para que ellos reciban su residencia permanente (tarjeta verde). No ha sido un camino largo a juego de la culpa en ambos lados de la isla política para conseguir algo pasado. Sin embargo, la mayoría de los estadounidenses están a favor de algún tipo de reforma migratoria. Muchos inmigrantes recuerdan la campaña del presidente Obama de que iba a lograr una reforma migratoria en los primeros 100 días de su presidencia. Bueno, eso no ha sucedido. Los republicanos hablan de la necesidad de asegurar la frontera antes de considerar otras reformas. Bueno, eso no ha sucedido tampoco. De hecho, ayer mismo, un agente de la patrulla fronteriza fuera de servicio fue muerto a tiros mientras pescaba cerca de McAllen, Texas. Los presuntos asesinos han sido capturados y se ha descubierto que uno de ellos ha sido deportado un total de cuatro veces anteriores. El sistema está roto y ambos partidos políticos son posturas demasiado ocupado para las próximas elecciones para lograr cualquier cosa.

Según, el presidente Obama tiene la intención de actuar por orden ejecutiva. El marco de tiempo es entre dentro de un par de semanas para algún momento de octubre. Se debe entender que una orden ejecutiva no es lo mismo que la legislación que se pasa en materia de inmigración y luego de ser firmada como ley por el Presidente. Lo que el Presidente puede hacer por decreto es crear políticas y priorizar la forma actual se implementan las leyes de inmigración.

Aunque, esto es sólo especulación, una mera conjetura, muchos indicadores y mi experiencia como un punto a las siguientes posibilidades abogada de inmigración:

1 El Presidente tiene la intención de organizar una manera de conceder permisos de trabajo, I-765s a más de 11 millones de inmigrantes que actualmente viven en las sombras.

2. El programa y los requisitos podrían ser algunos lo similar a los implantados cuando en 2012 el presidente Obama, por orden ejecutiva, implementado la Acción Diferida para la Infancia Arrivals (DACA). La expansión de este formato sería lo más lógico.

3. Otra idea es que el Presidente podría ofrecer estatus legal temporal a los miembros de la familia que son tutores elegibles para permanecer y trabajar legalmente en los EE.UU. bajo el programa DACA o tal vez a aquellos que tienen hijos ciudadanos estadounidenses menores de edad.

Para leer más sobre lo que la orden ejecutiva del presidente podría ser como usted puede ir a: .

Se debe entender que no hay garantías de que el Presidente, por orden ejecutiva, implementar algunos cambios en las políticas (reformas). Lo que es seguro es que si lo hace, habrá una avalancha de inmigrantes que se clasificarán y un considerable registro de vuelta se producirá al tratar de pasar todas las aplicaciones. Mi oficina experimentado esto con las aplicaciones de DACA. Es dudoso que el gobierno iba a contratar más agentes para manejar la demanda. Además, es probable que se procesarán en orden de llegada. ¿Cuáles son algunas cosas probables que se necesitan con el fin de estar mejor preparados y uno de los primeros contribuyentes?

1. Usted probablemente necesitará un cheque de nuevo terreno penal. La mayoría de ellos se obtienen en la Oficina de Investigaciones Criminales de su estado. El costo es por lo general alrededor de $ 20.00 por solicitante. Ahora es el momento de conseguir el tuyo!

2. Prueba de vivir en los Estados Unidos. Sólo puedo especular sobre el marco de tiempo, pero es probable que necesite para demostrar que usted llegó a los Estados Unidos en una fecha determinada, por lo general la fecha de la orden ejecutiva se implementa.

3. La prueba de que usted ha vivido continuamente en los Estados Unidos desde cualquier lugar a partir de ahora de nuevo a cinco (5) o diez (10) años a partir de ahora. Me gustaría empezar con la recolección de la prueba que muestra continua residido aquí de forma continua durante al menos los últimos cinco (5) años. La prueba más de que usted tiene la más fuerte y mejor será su caso.

4. ¿Qué constituye una prueba? Las declaraciones de impuestos, contratos de arrendamiento o de alquiler, facturas de servicios mensuales en su nombre, y talones de pago son algunos artículos. Es probable que tenga algo para cubrir cada mes durante el período de tiempo requerido.

5. Guardar dinero. Habrá la presentación de los costos y honorarios legales en caso de que recurrir a un abogado. NO UTILICE notarios o servicio que no es abogado EMPRESAS !!! Ellos no están calificados para darle asesoramiento jurídico y, de hecho, podrían incluso retrasar el proceso de solicitud. Vea estos, videos informativos: y Usted está poniendo su futuro en riesgo si lo hace.

Ahora es el momento de preparar y reunir la información. Prepárese. Los que están estará en una mejor posición para tomar ventaja de los cambios a la inmigración, siempre y cuando éstas se produzcan.


IMMIGRATION REFORM 2014           
            Over the last few weeks there has been much talk on immigration reform and whether or not President Obama, by executive order, is going to do something about immigration.  From all indications the answer is probably going to be yes despite threats from Republicans of possible impeachment or the Democrats worry about losing additional seats in the Senate this mid-term election, thus loosing control of the Senate.
           The purpose of this article is to try and give some insight into what the reform might look like and what you can do to be better prepared to apply for its benefits, if in fact President Obama creates some reforms by executive order.

            There is no doubt that our current immigration system is broken.  As an immigration attorney, I do not understand why it takes 14 years or longer to process someone’s application for them to receive their permanent residency (green card).  There has been a blame game way to long on both sides of the political isle to get anything passed.  Yet the majority of Americans are in favor of some form of immigration reform.  Many immigrants recall President Obama’s campaign that he was going to accomplish immigration reform within the first 100 days of his presidency.  Well, that hasn’t happened.  Republicans talk about the need to secure the border before other reforms are considered.  Well, that hasn’t happened either.  In fact, just yesterday, an off duty border patrol agent was shot and killed while fishing near McAllen, Texas.  The alleged assassins have been caught and it has been discovered that one of them has been deported a total of four previous times.  The system is broken and both political parties are too busy posturing for the next election to accomplish anything.

            According to, President Obama intends to act by executive order.  The time frame is between within the next couple of weeks to sometime in October.  It must be understood that an executive order is not the same as legislation being passed concerning immigration and then being signed into law by the President.  What the President can do by executive order is create policy and prioritize how current immigration laws are implemented.

            Although, this is only speculation, a mere educated guess, many indicators and my experience as an immigration attorney point to the following possibilities:

1.     The President intends to arrange a way to grant work permits, I-765s to more than 11 million immigrants who are currently living in the shadows.
2.     The program and requirement might be some what similar to those implanted when in 2012 President Obama, by executive order, implemented the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA).  The expansion of this format would make the most sense.
3.     Another idea is that the President could offer temporary legal status to family members who are guardians eligible to legally stay and work in the US under the DACA program or perhaps to those who have minor US citizen children.

For more reading on what the President’s executive order might look like you can go to:
            It must be understood that there are no guarantees that the President will, by executive order, implement some policy changes (reforms).  What is certain is that if he does there will be an onslaught of immigrants who will qualify and a considerable back log will ensue in trying to pass all of the applications.  My office experienced this with the DACA applications.  It’s doubtful the government would hire more agents to handle the demand.   Also, they will probably be processed on a first come basis.  So what are some probable things you will need in order to be better prepared and among the first filers?

1.     You will probably need a criminal back ground check.  Most of these are obtained at your state’s Bureau of Criminal Investigations.  The cost is usually around $20.00 per applicant.  Now is the time to get yours!
2.     Proof of living in the United States.  I can only speculate on the time frame but you will probably need to show that you arrived in the United States by a certain date, usually the date the executive order is implemented.
3.     Proof that you have lived continuously here in the United States from any where from now back to five (5)  or ten (10) years from now.  I would start with gathering proof showing continuous resided here continuously for at least the past five (5) years.  The more proof you have the stronger and better your case will be.
4.     What constitutes proof?  Tax returns, lease or rental agreements, monthly utility bills in your name, and pay stubs are a few items.  You will probably need some thing to cover each month over the required time period.
5.     Save money.  There will be filing costs and legal fees should you elect to use an attorney.  DO NOT USE NOTARIOS OR NON-LAWYER SERVICE COMPANIES!!!   They are not qualified to give you legal advice and in fact might even delay your application process.  See these, informative videos:  and .  You are putting your future at risk if you do.

            Now is the time to prepare and gather together your information.  Get prepared.  Those who are will be in a better position to take advantage of the changes to immigration, if and when they arise.

Visit for online help and services about your immigration case, or call 801-621-7443 or email us at

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Immigration: Understanding and Getting help with the Immigration Process

Immigrating to the United States can be a long and complicated process. For many the process appears so daunting  they are too afraid to get the process started. It is true, the process of obtaining legal status in the United States can be complicated and difficult. But as with most things, a little education and preparation make even the most daunting and difficult tasks manageable. With understanding and the right tools, the immigration process can be easily managed and you can get the result you desire.

There are many free resources where you can go to learn about the immigration process, like U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services website, the official page of the Department of Homeland Security dedicated to citizenship and immigration. Once you get a little understanding, it is important to get the right kind of help with the process. Using the wrong kind of help can cost you more than just money, but cost you the chance of successfully completing and obtaining the immigration status you desire.

Immigration law is one of the most complex areas of law in the legal field. Only a licensed attorney is legally authorized to help you green card applications and other immigration cases. Unlike not notarios or other consultants, an experienced and licensed immigration lawyer has gone through extensive education and training to help you. In fact, it is against the law for notaries public and other consultants to provide immigration advice. Even if they just the filling out of forms or green card applications should be done by a licensed immigration lawyer.

See this video to learn more about the risks and dangers of using notarios or other consultants:

DON'T BE FOOLED, immigration is a complex process. Notarios and former employees of attorneys are not attorneys and are not qualified to give legal advice. By using their services you are putting yourself at risk of being deported.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014


If I could have a dollar for every time I heard from a parent fighting over custody: “but I am doing it for the “best interest” of our child or children, as the case may be, I would be rich. 

In my 25 years of practice I have made the following general observations: First, most of the time when this phrase is used it is not at all about “best interest” but rather the desire to exercise control, not over the children, but over the other parent; Secondly, parents who really seek to work in the best interest of their children find more areas on which they agree on how to raise their children than where they disagree.  Their focus is not so much on them or each other, but on their children. 

Endless fighting over the children is toxic.  It deprives children of tranquility, the feeling of security as well as challenging their beliefs. After all, children generally love both of their parents equally and they don’t understand the divorce at all.  Their preference would be that you stayed together.  If children could make a list and have their desires heard and considered the list would probably read something like this: 
  • An end to parents’ fighting.
  • An end to uncertainty about where and with whom they are going to live.
  • A return to some degree of normalcy in their lives, (this really means consistency)
  • Security in knowing that they are loved by both parents who deeply care for them. 

Prolonged custody battles usually stand as a hindrance to children obtaining these very things they desire most. This is not all, they are often dragged into the dispute b y having to go through the custody evaluation process.  As litigation continues, the parents generally become more caustic towards one another and as much as the parents think they are shielding their children form this, they’re not.  Children, especially as they get older, know more about what is going on around them than we give them credit. 

Granted there are those cases where custody needs to be challenged but  in more cases than not custody and co-parenting can better be determined by the parties working together through alternative means such as cooperative divorce or mediation. 

So the question really is:   Do you love your children enough not to fight over them?

You can read more about the affects of parents fighting during divorce here: 

Friday, July 18, 2014

How to Make Sure Your Small Business Will Make it!

I am excited about all that is happening in Ogden over the past few years and especially recently. There has truly been a revitalization of downtown which is great to see. However, getting those who aren't from here or who reside outside of Ogden is difficult and frustrating. Many people I know who don't live here have often asked, "Why would you want to live in Ogden?", "Nothing is happening in Ogden" and "Ogden isn't going anywhere". Well, those of us who live in Ogden, love its beauty, its access to a variety of recreational activities and we can now say its ever growing business and commerce. 

Unlike other places, Ogden still maintains a good balance of large commercials business and local small business which help Ogden maintain some of the characteristics we love about it. I root for the local small businesses in Ogden to thrive and grow but I know how difficult it can be for small businesses to make it. 

Most every small business owner's dream is to create a successful business that will continually grow, hopefully for generations to come. For some the goal is to stay small, for some they can't wait to shed the "small business" connotation. However, regardless of what the new start up business's goals are, there are things to be done to make sure they don't end up like most new business, closed and bankrupt within the first few years. 

Pat Shriver, a fellow attorney, wrote a great short article about what common mistakes small businesses make which may lead to their downfall. The ten most common he states as follows:

1. Failure to organize a business entity.
2. Failure to adopt a well-thought-out business plan.
3. Failure to address employment issues.
4. Failure to do a buy/sell agreement.
5. Failure to have a succession plan.
6. Failure to protect intellectual property and trade secrets.
7. Failure to understand the consequences of personal guarantees.
8. Failure to avoid costly litigation.
9. Failure to consider more than legal issues.
10. Failure to hire legal services. 

To learn more about these common mistakes most small businesses make, read Pat's article;Top 10 Common Small Business Legal Mistakes.

An experienced and competent attorney can help your small business take necessary steps to ensure your business will grow successfully far into the future. At Richards, Brinley & Richards Law Group we know how to help you get your small business start off on the right foot. 

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Does Debt and Loan Consolidation Really Work?

Having lots of debt is stressful and for many the thought of getting to a position where you think you will be able to pay it all off seems pretty much impossible. 

Debt consolidation is the process of taking all of some of your debts and putting them all together. The thinking behind this is that by lumping all your debt into one loan with reduce your interest rate and make it more "affordable" or "payable". 

In theory, consolidating seems like a good and viable option. However, in practice, debt consolidation rarely works out, and experience shows that in the long run, people don't save money but in fact it ends up costing them more. Learn more about why debt consolidation rarely works here, Debt Consolidation Traps.

Even finance guru's like Dave Ramsey admit that debt consolidation services don't work and are nothing for than a "con". Read, The Truth About Debt Consolidation.

There do exist some somewhat reputable consolidation services, but many so-called debt consolidation companies are just scammers doing what they can to take advantage of people who are drowning in debt and are looking for help. Many of our former bankruptcy clients have tried debt consolidation companies and they all reported the same thing, it cost them a lot of money for the service but balance of their debt did not change. 

Rather than waste your time, money and sanity on debt consolidation, Congress has provided another option whereby people who are in debt with no foreseeable end to paying it off can get help and have a fresh start. 
By filing for relief under the Bankruptcy Code, people have a variety of options to get there financial lives back on track. Chapter 7 allows for a complete fresh start, lets you just start over with a clean slate. Chapter 13 lets you make a plan to pay back some debt in a way which you can afford. Also, the time frame for getting your life back through bankruptcy is much quicker than using unproven debt consolidation. 

Our office has been helping people for many years get relief from the stress that comes from overwhelming debt. Call Richards & Godfrey, PC today for a free consultation and let us show you all of the options you have to deal with your debt. Call 801-621-7443 or email us as

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Avoiding the Terri Schiavo Dilemma

If you were at least somewhat aware of the world in the early 2000's, you will probably recall the Terri Schiavo case. You'll remember this was an ordeal about fight between a husband and the wife's parents about who had to right to decided what should happen to Terri, who was in a persistent vegetative state.

Here is just a brief synopsis to bring you up to speed. Terri was married to Michael Schiavo, they lived in Florida. At age 26, Terri collapsed and her brain was deprived of oxygen long enough to cause her brain damage and leave her into what is called a "persistent vegetative state", this isn't the same thing as brain dead, Terri could breathe on here one, but besides breathing she was essentially incapable of thought, emotion, or significant bodily movements. After her death, doctor's concluded that she had significant amount of irreversible brain damage.

The issue that took this sad private situation and made it a national headline which consumed the news and everyone watching was the fight between Michael, Terri's husband and Terri's parents, Robert and Mary Schindler. Michael had cared for and dealt with Terri's treatment since 1990, he decided some 10 years later that Terri's recovery was not realistic and he sought to have his wife taken of what was essentially life support. Terri's parent fought this, and waged a very public fight to try and ensure their daughter would remain on life support. Thus the legal battle ensued.
Dr. Timothy E. Quill, in The New England Journal of Medicine wrote a fabulous article about the medical, ethical and some legal issues regarding Terry's case, you and read it here: Terri Schiavo — A Tragedy Compounded

As you investigate the story of Terri Schiavo and the heartache experienced by those who loved her most, and the nation as a whole, you will better understand what the simple and easy solution could have been. If Terri had at some point prior to here collapse put into effect an "Advanced Medical Directive" with corresponding Power of Attorney, the whole mess could have been avoided. Terri would have been able to state what here desire was if something happened to her and what she wanted done, thus eliminating the fight which inevitable arises when deep emotional bonds are perceived to be lost when a loved on dies.

An experienced attorney can help you better deal with hard decisions and situations by making sure you affairs are in order before the need arises. Everyone over the age of 21, and especially those who are married  and those who have children should have at the very least, a simple will, coupled with an Advanced Medical Directive so an ordeal like that of Terri Schiavo doesn't happen to you or your loved ones.

We have helped hundreds of client take care of these delicate issues preparing all types of wills, trusts and directives which help families and people deal properly with delicate situations, you can find out more about us and these services here: Richards & Godfrey, PC

Also Check out this short documentary on the Terri Schiavo case:

Thursday, May 22, 2014



            You and your spouse have worked hard providing for your family and raising your children.  You have got them through high school and now the last one has left home and is off at school, working some place or perhaps married.  Whew is finally over and now there is time for just you and your spouse to relax and start to enjoy being the two of you.  Chance at marital bliss once again?  Whoa, not so fast.  You might be headed to the big “D” (divorce) instead.

            According to a New York Times, the divorce rate for couples 50 and over has doubled since over a half century ago.  Based upon the Census Bureau’s American Community survey in 2011, 15.4% of couples over age 50 were divorced, 2.1% were separated, and 13.5% were widowed. 

            What are some of the factors leading to marital demise?  Based upon my own observations as a practicing divorce attorney for over 25 years it comes down to a couple of things.  First, so much energy was focused on their children that they did nothing to keep their relationship strong.  They grew apart.  Strive to keep your marriage strong.  Take trips together without your children, even when they are young.  Believe me, they’ll survive.  Secondly, many baby boomers are on the second or third marriage.  IF they are healthy and active and the relationship has become stale or burdensome there is a stronger likelihood that the individual will divorce again.  Third, watch out for retirement.  Being together all the time, when you haven’t been in the past, can be stressful.  Find some hobbies each of you can pursue on your own, as my mom would say: “let there be space in your togetherness.” However, make sure you schedule time to be together as well and pursue mutual interest.

            Generally, there are greater implications when one is older and getting a divorce.  These implications can be added pressure on the children and family.  The children and other family members probably (hopefully) like both of you.  They won’t know how to deal with you now you are not couple.  Stress on finances, and dividing assets like investments, social security, retirement accounts, and tax implications, all have greater significance and ramifications as an older couple.  Generally, speaking you have acquired more.

            Hopefully, you will have wonderful marriage now that the kids are gone.  It really is a time to reconnect and enjoy one another.  No more pressures of child rearing. More disposable income, right?  You’re not paying for school, braces, dance, and the list goes on and on.  However, if your marriage happens to be once of the statistics you should seek competent legal representation to insure you are getting what you deserve.

            The experienced divorce attorneys of Richards & Godfrey will work closely with you to understand your needs, review your rights and options, consider creative alternatives, and prepare a sound legal strategy for your divorce and family law case.

To schedule a consultation with the attorneys at  Richards & Godfrey today, call (801) 621-7443 or contact us online at: .